The mechanisms of acupuncture remain poorly understood, but it is generally assumed that measuring the electrical conductivity at various meridians provides data representing various meridian energies. In the past, noninvasive methods have been used to stimulate the acupuncture points at meridians, such as heat, electricity, magnets, and lasers. Photoluminescent bioceramic (PLB) material has been proven to weaken hydrogen bonds and alter the characteristics of liquid water. In this study, we applied the noninvasive PLB technique to acupuncture point irradiation, attempting to detect its effects by using electrical conductivity measurements. We reviewed relevant literature, searching for information on meridians including their wave-induced flow characteristics.
原文 | 英語 |
文章編號 | 739293 |
期刊 | Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine |
卷 | 2013 |
DOIs | |
出版狀態 | 已發佈 - 2013 |
ASJC Scopus subject areas
- 補充和替代醫學