Mussel Watch: A review of Cu and other metals in various marine organisms in Taiwan, 1991-98

Ming Shiou Jeng, Woei Lih Jeng, Tsu Chang Hung, Ching-Ying Yeh, Rong Jeng Tseng, Pei Jie Meng, Bor Cheng Han

研究成果: 雜誌貢獻文章同行評審

63 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


This study presents the distribution of Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Hg and As in various marine organisms collected along the western coast of Taiwan from 1991 to 1998, and also evaluates the time variation of Cu in oysters before (1980-85) and after (1986-98) the 'green oyster' incident. The results show that relatively high geometric mean (GM) concentrations of Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, As and Hg were generally found in Crassostrea gigas (Cu=229 μg/g, Zn=783 μg/g), Gomphina aeguialtera (Pb=30.3 μg/g), Tegillarca granosa (Cd=2.85 μg/g), Thais clavigera (As=96.9 μg/g) and Parapenaeopsis cornuta (Hg=1.35 μg/g), respectively. Especially, maximum Cu and Zn concentrations (GM=229 and 783 μg/g, respectively) in oysters (C. gigas) from different culture areas were much higher than those of the other organisms by about 1.13-458 and 2.40-63.7 times, respectively. Similarly, rock-shells (Thais clavigera) had a high capacity for accumulating Cu (GM=202 μg/g) and Zn (GM=326 μg/g) under the same physico-chemical conditions. The highest GM Cu and Zn concentrations of 1108 (range from 113 to 2806) and 1567 (range from 303 to 3593) μg/g were obtained in oysters from the Hsiangshan coastal area, one of the most important oyster culture areas in Taiwan. However, the highest GM Cd and As concentrations of 6.82 and 19.3 μg/g were found in oysters from the Machu Islands. Mean Cu concentrations in the oysters from the Erhjin Chi estuary declined from 2194±212 μg/g in 1986-90 to 545 μg/g (GM) in 1991-96. In the Hsiganshan area, GM Cu concentrations of 909 μg/g (1991-96) and 1351 μg/g (1997-98) in oysters were significantly higher than those of 201 μg/g (1980-85) and 682 μg/g (1986-90). The gradually increasing levels of Cu and Zn in the oysters from the Hsiangshan area have been observed year by year. Copyright (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd.
頁(從 - 到)207-215
期刊Environmental Pollution
出版狀態已發佈 - 11月 2000


  • Indicator organisms
  • Metal contamination
  • Mussel Watch

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 一般環境科學
  • 環境化學
  • 污染


深入研究「Mussel Watch: A review of Cu and other metals in various marine organisms in Taiwan, 1991-98」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
