8 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Objectives: Although postpartum rooming-in is encouraged by the World Health Organization, independent separated nursery care is still widely adopted in Eastern countries. Our aim is to evaluate the effect of shared decision-making (SDM) assisted by patient decision aids on subjective decisional conflict and regret among women who are required to make choices regarding postpartum infant care. Methods: A total of 196 pregnant women who came for routine checkups 1 month before delivery were randomly assigned to the SDM group or the classic group. Before the mothers were discharged after delivery, their decision-making difficulties were evaluated. The primary outcome was the decisional conflict, which was assessed using the SURE (Sure of myself; Understand information; Risk-benefit ratio; Encouragement) scale. The secondary outcome was the decisional regret, which was measured using the Decision Regret scale. Results: Compared with the classic group, SDM group had surer feelings about the choice (P<.001), felt more confident about knowing the benefits and risks of each option (P<.001), had a clearer understanding of the benefits and risks (P<.001), and felt sufficiently supported with enough advice to make a suitable choice (P<.001). No significant difference was noted in the Decision Regret scores between groups. The choice of 24-hour rooming-in, 12-hour rooming-in, and separated nursery care was not significantly different between groups. Conclusions: SDM reduced the decisional conflict and uncertainty of the mothers. Available choices of postpartum mother–infant care should be provided to mothers through SDM that includes individual values, health goals, and clear knowledge and transparency.
頁(從 - 到)1335-1342
期刊Value in Health
出版狀態接受/付印 - 2021

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 健康政策
  • 公共衛生、環境和職業健康


深入研究「Influence of Shared Decision-Making on Decisional Conflict and Regret in Postpartum Mother–Infant Care: A Randomized Controlled Trial」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
