Hydrogen generation from methanol steam reforming process of CuCrO2-CeO2 nanopowders catalyst

Chung Lun Yu, Guan Ting Lai, Subramanian Sakthinathan, Chia Cheng Lin, Te Wei Chiu, Ming Che Liu

研究成果: 雜誌貢獻文章同行評審

12 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Hydrogen (H2) is under consideration as an alternative renewable energy transporter due to the energy crisis and climate change. In this research, CuCrO2-CeO2 nanopowders catalysts were synthesized through the glycine nitrate process and utilized in the SRM process. The prepared CuCrO2-CeO2 nanopowders were characterized by different characterization techniques. The nanosized CuCrO2-CeO2 nanopowders particles were confirmed by HRTEM to be around 10–15 nm in size. The specific surface area of the CuCrO2-CeO2 powders varied from 28.02 m2/g to 45.72 m2/g. The 50CuCrO2-50CeO2 powder was applied in the SRM process and exhibited the highest H2 production rate of 2059.65 ml STP min−1 g-cat−1 at 400 °C. Furthermore, the H2 production rate of the 50CuCrO2-50CeO2 nanopowders were increased by the added CeO2. The porous structure of the catalyst presents advantages in the SRM process, such as low cost, simplicity, and rapidity. As a result, the 50CuCrO2-50CeO2 nanopowders could have significant economic future.

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 一般材料科學
  • 凝聚態物理學
  • 材料力學
  • 機械工業


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