Human micronucleus project: International database comparison for results with the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay in human lymphocytes: I. Effect of laboratory protocol, scoring criteria, and host factors on the frequency of micronuclei

Stefano Bonassi, Michael Fenech, Cecilia Lando, Yi ping Lin, Marcello Ceppi, Wushou Peter Chang, Nina Holland, Micheline Kirsch-Volders, E. Zeiger, Sadayuki Ban, Roberto Barale, Maria Paola Bigatti, Claudia Bolognesi, Cao Jia, Marina Di Giorgio, Lynnette R. Ferguson, Aleksandra Fucic, Omar Garcia Lima, P. Hrelia, Ayyathan P. KrishnajaTung Kwang Lee, Lucia Migliore, Ludmilla Mikhalevich, Ekaterina Mirkova, Pasquale Mosesso, Wolfgang Ulrich Müller, Youichi Odagiri, Maria Rosaria Scarffi, Elena Szabova, Irena Vorobtsova, Anne Vral, Andrea Zijno

研究成果: 雜誌貢獻文章同行評審

401 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Micronucleus (MN) expression in peripheral blood lymphocytes is well established as a standard method for monitoring chromosome damage in human populations. The first results of an analysis of pooled data from laboratories using the cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN) assay and participating in the HUMN (HUman MicroNucleus project) international collaborative study are presented. The effects of laboratory protocol, scoring criteria, and host factors on baseline micronucleated binucleate cell (MNC) frequency are evaluated, and a reference range of "normal" values against which future studies may be compared is provided. Primary data from historical records were submitted by 25 laboratories distributed in 16 countries. This resulted in a database of nearly 7000 subjects. Potentially significant differences were present in the methods used by participating laboratories, such as in the type of culture medium, the concentration of cytochalasin-B, the percentage of fetal calf serum, and in the culture method. Differences in criteria for scoring micronuclei were also evident. The overall median MNC frequency in nonexposed (i.e., normal) subjects was 6.5‰ and the interquartile range was between 3 and 12‰. An increase in MNC frequency with age was evident in all but two laboratories. The effect of gender, although not so evident in all databases, was also present, with females having a 19% higher level of MNC frequency (95% confidence interval: 14-24%). Statistical analyses were performed using random-effects models for correlated data. Our best model, which included exposure to genotoxic factors, host factors, methods, and scoring criteria, explained 75% of the total variance, with the largest contribution attributable to laboratory methods.

頁(從 - 到)31-45
期刊Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
出版狀態已發佈 - 2001

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 流行病學
  • 遺傳學(臨床)
  • 健康、毒理學和誘變


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