Green and sustainable applications of energetic plasmon-activated water

Chih Ping Yang, Shih Hao Yu, Yu Chuan Liu

研究成果: 雜誌貢獻回顧型文獻同行評審


This review describes the use of bulk deionized water (DIW) treatment to become plasmon-activated water (PAW) with reduced hydrogen bonds (HBs). PAW with special properties can be used in innovative applications and development of environmental protection science and sustainable energy management. PAW is a natural water solvent, but PAW subverts the public's idea that hydrophobic solutes are difficult to dissolve in water. PAW can dissolve more-hydrophobic solutes than ordinary water, and can also interact with water-soluble alcohol molecules to form stronger HBs. Moreover, in the application of certain reduction reactions, no chemical reducing agent is needed, and the catalytic reduction effect can be achieved using natural PAW. A characteristic application of PAW can also be extended to seawater desalination. Due to weak HBs among PAW molecules, high water evaporation rates can be produced, and a higher chemical potential can also be applied to the innovative development of solar energy storage. In electrochemical applications, PAW itself can promote water oxidation, oxygen reduction reactions, hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactions, and the efficient capacitor production of H2O2. Furthermore, PAW can delay the melting of sea ice in the habitat of polar bears, so it may be applied to the issue of saving polar bears.
頁(從 - 到)18-34
期刊Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
出版狀態已發佈 - 7月 25 2022

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 一般化學工程


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