Exploring Label-Free Imaging Techniques with Copper Sulfide Microspheres for Observing Breast Cancer Cells

Lutvi Vitria Kadarwati, I. Hsin Lin, Yu Shan Huang, Yu Yang Lee, Shin Cyuan Chen, Chia Lin Chung, I. Jan Chen, Jia Yeh Wang, Sibidou Yougbaré, Tsai Mu Cheng, Tsung Rong Kuo

研究成果: 雜誌貢獻文章同行評審


A single breast cancer is a prevalent form of cancer, affecting over 2.3 million women worldwide, as reported by the World Health Organization. Recently, researchers have extensively explored the utilization of biomaterials in breast cancer theranostics. One notable biomaterial being investigated is various structures of copper sulfide (CuS). In this work, a microsphere (MS) structure composed of CuS was employed for label-free imaging of MCF-7 breast cancer cells and normal Vero cells, respectively. Various label-free imaging techniques, such as bright field, dark field, phase contrast (PC), and differential interference contrast (DIC), were employed to capture images of CuS MSs, cell, and intact CuS MSs within a cell. The study compared the outcomes of each imaging technique and determined that DIC imaging provided the highest resolution for cells incubated with CuS MSs. Furthermore, the combination of PC and DIC techniques proved to be effective for imaging breast cancer cells in conjunction with CuS MSs. This research underscores the potential of CuS MSs for label-free cell detection and emphasizes the significance of selecting appropriate imaging techniques to attain high-quality images in the field of cell observation.
頁(從 - 到)37882-37890
期刊ACS Omega
出版狀態接受/付印 - 2024

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 一般化學
  • 一般化學工程


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