Diabetes mellitus and cerebrovascular disease as independent determinants for increased hospital costs and length of stay in open appendectomy in comparison with laparoscopic appendectomy: A nationwide cohort study

Chun Chieh Yeh, Chi Hsun Hsieh, Chien Chang Liao, L. I.Ting Su, Yu-Chun Wang, Tsai Chung Li

研究成果: 雜誌貢獻文章同行評審

7 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Comorbidity has been proven to increase hospital costs and length of hospital stays in patients receiving appendectomy for the treatment of acute appendicitis. However, the specific comorbidities that independently influence discrepancy of hospital costs and length of stay between open appendectomy and laparoscopic appendectomy still need to be elucidated. Using multivariate linear analysis, administrative claims data were obtained from Taiwan's National Health Institute Research Database to compare differences of hospitalization costs and length of stay between open appendectomy and laparoscopic appendectomy categorized by various comorbidities defined in Charlson comorbidity score. Of 103,653 patients, 81,479 open appendectomies and 22,174 laparoscopic appendectomies were performed for the treatment of acute appendicitis in Taiwan between 2004 and 2008. In multilinear regression models, the adjusted costs and length of stay for open appendectomy in patients with cerebrovascular diseases or diabetes mellitus were significantly higher than that for laparoscopic appendectomy. To reduce costs and length of stay, patients with cerebrovascular diseases or diabetes mellitus should be particularly recommended to receive laparoscopic approach rather than an open approach for the treatment of acute appendicitis.

頁(從 - 到)329-334
期刊American Surgeon
出版狀態已發佈 - 3月 2012

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 手術


深入研究「Diabetes mellitus and cerebrovascular disease as independent determinants for increased hospital costs and length of stay in open appendectomy in comparison with laparoscopic appendectomy: A nationwide cohort study」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
