Daily Calcium Intervention for a Weight-Loss Program Resulted in More Significant Decreases in Body Weight, BMI, Body Fat Mass, and Body Fat Percentage

Yen Ling Chen, Yi-Chun Chen, Jung-Su Chang, Jo Chun Lin, Yi-Wen Chien

研究成果: 雜誌貢獻文章同行評審


The purpose of this study was to assess of calcium intervention on the effectivenessof a weight-loss program for obese people. All subjects had an initial BMI (body mass index)>24 kg/m2 and low calcium diet (<500 mg/d). Forty-two healthy overweight or obese peoplewere randomly and equally divided into two groups: a Hi-Ca group (female: 16, male: 5) anda control group (female: 16, male: 5). In the Hi-Ca group, we provided two bottles of Hi-Cadrinks per day and a low energy diet (energy: 1200 kcal, carbohydrate: 55%, fat: 25%, protein:20%) for eight weeks. In the control group, we only provided the low energy diet for eightweeks. We measured three-day food records, anthropometric and blood biochemical data atWeeks 0 and 8. Calcium intake was 964.5±75.5 mg in the Hi-Ca group and was 353.7±96.6mg in the control group (p<0.05). After eight weeks, results showed the loss of body weight(-6.9±3.3 kg, p<0.05), BMI (-2.7±1.1 kg/m2, p<0.01), body fat mass (-5.7±2.7 kg, p<0.05),body fat percentage (-4.4±1.9 %, p<0.002) and TC/HDL-C (-0.4±0.6, p<0.05) in the Hi-Cagroup were significantly different from those of the control group at eight weeks. In the lipidprofile, serum cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL-C concentration were significantly decreasedcompared with Week 0. The serum PTH (parathyroid hormone) levels in the Hi-Ca group weresignificantly lower compared with baseline (-5.3±10.4 pg/mL, p<0.05), which showed that theconcentration of PTH and calcium intake are negatively correlated, and indicate that a highcalciumlow-energy diet resulted in more significant decreases in body weight, BMI, body fatmass, and body fat percentage. Therefore, a high calcium diet increases the effectiveness of anenergy-restricted diet for weight loss in overweight people.
出版狀態已發佈 - 8月 19 2015


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