CT-Guided Core Biopsy for Peripheral Sub-solid Pulmonary Nodules to Predict Predominant Histological and Aggressive Subtypes of Lung Adenocarcinoma

Ping Chung Tsai, Yi Chen Yeh, Po Kuei Hsu, Chun Ku Chen, Teh Ying Chou, Yu Chung Wu

研究成果: 雜誌貢獻文章同行評審

29 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Background: Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of lung cancer, and pre-operative biopsy plays an important role to determine its major subtypes. As proposed by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC), American Thoracic Society (ATS), and European Respiratory Society (ERS) in 2011, the predominant histological subtype of adenocarcinoma is an indicator of outcomes and recurrence rate. However, the value of CT-guided core biopsy in predicting the predominant subtype and detecting the presence of an aggressive subtype of adenocarcinoma, peripheral sub-solid nodule, has less been discussed. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 318 consecutive peripheral sub-solid nodules that underwent percutaneous CT-guided lung biopsy and surgical resection, between October 2015 and December 2018 and were diagnosed as adenocarcinoma with histological subtype. The subtyping results from biopsy and surgical pathology were compared to evaluate the concordance rate. Results: The overall concordance rate between biopsy and surgical pathology in determining the predominant histological subtype was 64%. Better concordance was found in small tumors (≤ 2 cm), in predicting either predominant histology (χ2 = 7.091, P = 0.008) or high grade adenocarcinoma, micropapillary and/or solid subtype, MIP-SOL (χ2 = 22.301, P ' 0.001). The analysis of ground glass opacity (GGO) component (C/T ratio) obtained significantly higher accuracy in the pure GGO group than in the other two groups in predicting predominant histology or high grade adenocarcinoma (χ2 = 17.560, P ' 0.001 and χ2 = 61.938, P ' 0.001, respectively). Conclusions: CT-guided core biopsies provide additional value in predicting the histological subtype of lung adenocarcinoma after surgical resection, especially in small tumors (≤ 2 cm) or an initially pure GGO group.
頁(從 - 到)4405-4412
期刊Annals of Surgical Oncology
出版狀態已發佈 - 10月 2020

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 手術
  • 腫瘤科


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