Brian R. Dott, The Chile Pepper in China: A Cultural Biography

Chung-Hao Pio Kuo

研究成果: 雜誌貢獻書/電影/文章評審同行評審


Recently, scholars in Chinese history have conducted research on specific and unique Chinese foodstuffs and products to understand their evolution in Chinese history. Largely influenced by Sidney Mintz’s Sweetness and Power as well as the theory of the ‘social life of things’ promoted by Igor Kopytoff and Arjun Appadurai, English-language scholarship has widely explored the history and culinary significance of specific Chinese food-related and agricultural products such as opium, chop suey, chopsticks and tobacco (i.e. Yangwen Zheng, 2005; Yong Chen, 2014; Andrew Coe, 2009; Anne Mendelson, 2016; Edward Q. Wang, 2015; Carol Benedict, 2011). Readers of works by these authors can understand how these food-related and agricultural products were shaped socially and culturally within specific periods in Chinese history.
頁(從 - 到)345-347
期刊Social History of Medicine
出版狀態已發佈 - 12月 1 2020


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