Avoiding Tracheal Tube Care Accidents: Elongation of Tracheal Tube Securing Straps

Yen-Liang Chang, Ming Hsu Chen, Shih-Han Hung

研究成果: 雜誌貢獻文章同行評審


Purpose: Tracheal tube securing straps are essential in maintaining adequate tube function. In this study, we attempted to test and analyze some commonly used tracheal tube securing straps. Methods: Five different straps were tested under stress in dry and wet conditions. Certain elongation properties under stress on tracheal tube securing straps should be noticed. Results: The dampening of the tracheal straps seems not likely to affect the elongation properties (P>0.5). The most affected strap is the elastic strap (3.96% & 3.59% elongation, wet: dry).The cotton twill strap is the least to be extended (0.42% & 0.63% elongation, wet: dry). Conclusion: Traditional cotton twill straps remain to be most reliable choice. We propose and recommend that all tracheal straps be Pre-Stretched before use. Protocols able to stabilize tracheal tube strap will be likely to improve patient safety and avoid tube mal position accidents.
頁(從 - 到)2-
期刊Austin J Otolaryngol
出版狀態已發佈 - 2014


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