Arterial spin labeling perfusion study in the patients with subacute mild traumatic brain injury

Che Ming Lin, Ying Chi Tseng, Hui Ling Hsu, Chi Jen Chen, David Yen Ting Chen, Feng Xian Yan, Wen Ta Chiu

研究成果: 雜誌貢獻文章同行評審

55 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Background: This study uses a MRI technique, three-dimension pulse continuous arterial spin labeling (3D-PCASL), to measure the patient's cerebral blood flow (CBF) at the subacute stage of mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) in order to analyze the relationship between cerebral blood flow and neurocognitive deficits. Objective: To provide the relationship between cortical CBF and neuropsychological dysfunction for the subacute MTBI patients. Methods: After MTBI, perfusion MR imaging technique (3D-PCASL) measures the CBF of MTBI patients (n = 23) within 1 month and that of normal controls (n = 22) to determine the quantity and location of perfusion defect. The correlation between CBF abnormalities and cognitive deficits was elucidated by combining the results of the neuropsychological tests of the patients. Result: We observed a substantial reduction in CBF in the bilateral frontal and left occipital cortex as compared with the normal persons. In addition, there were correlation between post concussive symptoms (including dizziness and simulator sickness) and CBF in the hypoperfused areas. The more severe symptom was correlated with higher CBF in bilateral frontal and left occipital lobes. Conclusion: First, this study determined that despite no significant abnormality detected on conventional CT and MRI studies, hypoperfusion was observed in MTBI group using 3D-PCASL technique in subacute stage, which suggested that this approach may increase sensitivity to MTBI. Second, the correlation between CBF and the severity of post concussive symptoms suggested that changes in cerebral hemodynamicsmay play a role in pathophysiology underlies the symptoms.
出版狀態已發佈 - 2月 2016

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