Anti-aging biomaterial sturgeon chondroitin sulfate upregulating anti-oxidant and SIRT-1/c-fos gene expression to reprogram stem cell senescence and prolong longevity

Abhinay Kumar Singh, Bou Yue Peng, Shaw Ting Chien, Chun Hao Chan, Yue Hua Deng, Hsiao Yu Pai, Hong Jian Wei, Ming Fu Wang, Shwu Huey Wang, Chia Yu Wu, Win Ping Deng

研究成果: 雜誌貢獻文章同行評審

6 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Aging involves tissue and cell potential dysfunction characterized by stem cell senescence and extracellular matrix microenvironment (ECM) alteration. Chondroitin sulfate (CS), found in the ECM of normal cells and tissues, aids in maintaining tissue homeostasis. Here, CS-derived biomaterial (CSDB) from sturgeon is extracted to investigate its antiaging effect in senescence-accelerated mouse prone-8 (SAMP8) mice and elucidate the underlying mechanism of its action. Although CSDB has been widely extracted from different sources and used as a scaffold, hydrogel, or drug carrier for the treatment of various pathological diseases, CSDB has not yet been used as a biomaterial for the amelioration of senescence and aging features. In this study, the extracted sturgeon CSDB showed a low molecular weight and comprised 59% 4-sulfated CS and 23% 6-sulfated CS. In an in vitro study, sturgeon CSDB promoted cell proliferation and reduced oxidative stress to inhibit stem cell senescence. In an ex vivo study, after oral CSDB treatment of SAMP8 mice, the stem cells were extracted to analyze the p16Ink4a and p19Arf gene-related pathways, which were inhibited and then SIRT-1 gene expression was upregulated to reprogram stem cells from a senescence state for retarding aging. In an in vivo study, CSDB also restored the aging-phenotype-related bone mineral density and skin morphology to prolong longevity. Thus, sturgeon CSDB may be useful for prolonging healthy longevity as an anti-aging drug.
頁(從 - 到)4522-4536
期刊Biomaterials Science
出版狀態已發佈 - 5月 2023

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 生物醫學工程
  • 一般材料科學


深入研究「Anti-aging biomaterial sturgeon chondroitin sulfate upregulating anti-oxidant and SIRT-1/c-fos gene expression to reprogram stem cell senescence and prolong longevity」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
