2020 consensus statement of the taiwan hypertension society and the Taiwan society of cardiology on home blood pressure monitoring for the management of arterial hypertension

Hung Ju Lin, Tzung Dau Wang, Michael Yu Chih Chen, Chien Yi Hsu, Kang Ling Wang, Chin Chou Huang, Ming Jer Hsieh, Yu Wei Chiu, Liang Ting Chiang, Wen Po Chuang, Pai Feng Hsu, Chun Hsien Wu, Chi Sheng Hung, Kuan Chun Chen, Chih Cheng Wu, Yu Chen Wang, Po Ching Chou, Hui Yi Yap, Hao Min Cheng

研究成果: 雜誌貢獻文章同行評審

26 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


To facilitate the applications of home blood pressure (HBP)monitoring in clinical settings, the Taiwan Hypertension Society and the Taiwan Society of Cardiology jointly put forward the Consensus Statement on HBP monitoring according to up-to-date scientific evidence by convening a series of expert meetings and compiling opinions from the members of these two societies. In this Consensus Statement as well as recent international guidelines for management of arterial hypertension, HBP monitoring has been implemented in diagnostic confirmation of hypertension, identification of hypertension phenotypes, guidance of anti-hypertensive treatment, and detection of hypotensive events. HBP should be obtained by repetitivemeasurements based on the “722” principle, which is referred to duplicate blood pressure readings taken per occasion, twice daily, over seven consecutive days. The “722” principle of HBP monitoring should be applied in clinical settings, including confirmation of hypertension diagnosis, 2 weeks after adjustment of antihypertensive medications, and at least every 3 months in well-controlled hypertensive patients. A good reproducibility of HBP monitoring could be achieved by individuals carefully following the instructions before and during HBP measurement, by using validated BP devices with an upper arm cuff. Corresponding to office BP thresholds of 140/90 and 130/80 mmHg, the thresholds (or targets) of HBP are 135/85 and 130/80 mmHg, respectively. HBP-based hypertension management strategies including bedtime dosing (for uncontrolledmorning hypertension), shifting to drugs with longer-acting antihypertensive effect (for uncontrolled evening hypertension), and adding another antihypertensive drug (for uncontrolled morning and evening hypertension) should be considered. Only with the support from medical caregivers, paramedical team, or telemonitoring, HBP monitoring could reliably improve the control of hypertension.
頁(從 - 到)537-561
期刊Acta Cardiologica Sinica
出版狀態已發佈 - 2020

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 心臟病學與心血管醫學


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