- 2008-2011 臺灣大學醫學工程研究所博士
- 2006-2008 臺灣大學臨床醫學研究所碩士
- 1991-1998 臺灣大學醫學系學士
- 2021.08- 臺北醫學大學醫學工程學院院長
- 2021- 臺北醫學大學奈米醫學工程研究所教授
- 2021- 臺北醫學大學長期照護碩士學位學程合聘教授
- 2021- 臺北醫學大學國際醫學研究碩士學位學程合聘教授
- 2021- 臺北醫學大學醫學院人工智慧醫療碩士在職專班合聘教授
- 2021- 臺北醫學大學醫學系復健學科合聘教授
- 2019.08- 臺北醫學大學人工智慧醫療研究中心副主任
- 2012- 臺北醫學大學附設醫院復健學科主治醫師
- 2019.08-2021.07 臺北醫學大學附設醫院復健醫學部主任
- 2016.08-2021 臺北醫學大學醫學系復健學科主任
- 2018-2021 臺北醫學大學醫學院人工智慧醫療碩士在職專班主任
- 2019.11-2021.01 臺北醫學大學長期照護碩士學位學程副教授
- 2019.08-2021.01 臺北醫學大學國際醫學研究碩士學位學程副教授
- 2019.08-2021.01 臺北醫學大學醫學院人工智慧醫療碩士在職專班副教授
- 2015.08-2021.01 臺北醫學大學醫學系復健學科副教授
- 2015.08-2018.07 臺北醫學大學醫學系副主任
- 2012.08-2015.07臺北醫學大學醫學系復健學科助理教授
- 2008.02-2012.07 臺北醫學大學醫學系復健學科講師
- 1999.07-2003.07 臺灣大學附設醫院復健科住院醫師
- 疼痛醫學
- 電生理
- 神經科學
- 非線性分析方法
- 1 類似的個人檔案
- 28 已完成
3D Pose-Based Evaluation of the Risk of Sarcopenia
Liao, B. C., Wu, J. S., Tang, C. L., Hsu, G. S. & Kang, J. H., 2025, Pattern Recognition - 27th International Conference, ICPR 2024, Proceedings. Antonacopoulos, A., Chaudhuri, S., Chellappa, R., Liu, C.-L., Bhattacharya, S. & Pal, U. (編輯). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, p. 318-331 14 p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 卷 15316 LNCS).研究成果: 書貢獻/報告類型 › 會議貢獻
Association Between Leg Muscle Thickness and Walking Test with the Haemophilia-Specific Functional Parameters
Hong, J.-P., Kang, J.-H., Lee, C.-H., Lee, C.-H., Chen, S.-H., Liu, Y.-L., Tsai, J.-R., Tsai, C.-H., Ho, W.-L., Cheng, M.-M., Charoenpong, P. & Chang, C.-Y., 3月 26 2024, (打印前電子出版) 於: American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation.研究成果: 雜誌貢獻 › 文章 › 同行評審
Combining a wireless radar sleep monitoring device with deep machine learning techniques to assess obstructive sleep apnea severity
Lin, S.-Y., Tsai, C.-Y., Majumdar, A., Ho, Y.-H., Huang, Y.-W., Kao, C.-K., Yeh, S.-M., Hsu, W.-H., Kuan, Y.-C., Lee, K.-Y., Feng, P.-H., Tseng, C.-H., Chen, K.-Y., Kang, J.-H., Lee, H.-C., Wu, C.-J. & Liu, W.-T., 8月 1 2024, 於: Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. 20, 8, p. 1267-1277 11 p.研究成果: 雜誌貢獻 › 文章 › 同行評審
Development and validation of a machine learning model for predicting drug-drug interactions with oral diabetes medications
Kha, Q. H., Nguyen, N. T. K., Le, N. Q. K. & Kang, J. H., 12月 2024, 於: Methods. 232, p. 81-88 8 p.研究成果: 雜誌貢獻 › 文章 › 同行評審
Development of a Dyad-Focused Intervention for Stroke Survivors and Their Family Caregivers: A Feasibility Study
Lin, Y. N., Hung, T. H., Rodakowski, J., Kang, J. H., Han, D. S., Liou, T. H., Wu, Y. H. & Chang, F. H., 3月 1 2024, 於: The American journal of occupational therapy : official publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association. 78, 2, 7802180230.研究成果: 雜誌貢獻 › 文章 › 同行評審
2 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)
sj-jpg-1-eeg-10.1177_15500594221098286 - Supplemental material for Electroencephalographic Microstates are Correlated with Global Functioning in Schizophrenia But Not in Bipolar Disorder
Chen, P.-H. (Creator), Ku, H.-L. (Creator), Wang, J.-K. (Creator), Kang, J.-H. (Creator) & Hsu, T.-Y. (Creator), SAGE Journals, 2022
DOI: 10.25384/sage.19698612.v1, https://sage.figshare.com/articles/figure/sj-jpg-1-eeg-10_1177_15500594221098286_-_Supplemental_material_for_Electroencephalographic_Microstates_are_Correlated_with_Global_Functioning_in_Schizophrenia_But_Not_in_Bipolar_Disorder/19698612/1
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 1 of Novel design for a dynamic ankle foot orthosis with motion feedback used for training in patients with hemiplegic gait: a pilot study
Hsu, C.-C. (Contributor), Huang, Y.-K. (Contributor), Kang, J.-H. (Contributor), Ko, Y.-F. (Creator), Liu, C.-W. (Contributor), Jaw, F.-S. (Contributor) & Chen, S.-C. (Creator), Figshare, 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.12825492.v1, https://springernature.figshare.com/articles/Additional_file_1_of_Novel_design_for_a_dynamic_ankle_foot_orthosis_with_motion_feedback_used_for_training_in_patients_with_hemiplegic_gait_a_pilot_study/12825492/1
資料集: Dataset
Prediction of robotic neurorehabilitation functional ambulatory outcome in patients with neurological disorders
Kuo, C.-Y. (Creator), Liu, C.-W. (Creator), Lai, C.-H. (Creator), Kang, J.-H. (Creator), Tseng, S.-H. (Creator) & Su, E.C.-Y. (Creator), Figshare, 2021
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5757614.v1, https://springernature.figshare.com/collections/Prediction_of_robotic_neurorehabilitation_functional_ambulatory_outcome_in_patients_with_neurological_disorders/5757614/1
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 1: of Chronic pulmonary exposure to traffic-related fine particulate matter causes brain impairment in adult rats
Shih, C.-H. (Contributor), Chen, J.-K. (Contributor), Kuo, L.-W. (Creator), Cho, K.-H. (Contributor), Hsiao, T.-C. (Contributor), Lin, Z.-W. (Contributor), Lin, Y.-S. (Contributor), Kang, J.-H. (Contributor), Lo, Y.-C. (Creator), Chuang, K.-J. (Contributor), Cheng, T.-J. (Contributor) & Chuang, H.-C. (Contributor), Figshare, 2018
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7324706.v1, https://springernature.figshare.com/articles/Additional_file_1_of_Chronic_pulmonary_exposure_to_traffic-related_fine_particulate_matter_causes_brain_impairment_in_adult_rats/7324706/1
資料集: Dataset
Novel design for a dynamic ankle foot orthosis with motion feedback used for training in patients with hemiplegic gait: a pilot study
Hsu, C.-C. (Contributor), Huang, Y.-K. (Contributor), Kang, J.-H. (Contributor), Ko, Y.-F. (Creator), Liu, C.-W. (Contributor), Jaw, F.-S. (Contributor) & Chen, S.-C. (Creator), Figshare, 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5095692.v1, https://springernature.figshare.com/collections/Novel_design_for_a_dynamic_ankle_foot_orthosis_with_motion_feedback_used_for_training_in_patients_with_hemiplegic_gait_a_pilot_study/5095692/1
資料集: Dataset