Active Aging Index in Vietnam Relative to China, South Korea, Taiwan, and 28 European Union Countries
Pham, T.-V. (Contributor), Hsu, H.-C. (Contributor), Zaidi, A. (Creator) & Chen, Y.-M. (Creator), SAGE Journals, 2020
DOI: 10.25384/sage.c.5045000.v1, https://sage.figshare.com/collections/Active_Aging_Index_in_Vietnam_Relative_to_China_South_Korea_Taiwan_and_28_European_Union_Countries/5045000/1
資料集: Dataset
Individual and environmental factors associated with cognitive function in older people: a longitudinal multilevel analysis
Hsu, H.-C. (Creator) & Bai, C.-H. (Creator), Figshare, 2022
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5912047.v1, https://springernature.figshare.com/collections/Individual_and_environmental_factors_associated_with_cognitive_function_in_older_people_a_longitudinal_multilevel_analysis/5912047/1
資料集: Dataset
Regular exercise and the trajectory of health-related quality of life among Taiwanese adults: a cohort study analysis 2006–2014
Chang, H.-C. (Contributor), Liang, J. (Contributor), Hsu, H.-C. (Contributor), Lin, S.-K. (Contributor), Chang, T.-H. (Contributor) & Liu, S.-H. (Creator), Figshare, 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.4710473.v1, https://springernature.figshare.com/collections/Regular_exercise_and_the_trajectory_of_health-related_quality_of_life_among_Taiwanese_adults_a_cohort_study_analysis_2006_2014/4710473/1
資料集: Dataset
MOESM2 of Regular exercise and the trajectory of health-related quality of life among Taiwanese adults: a cohort study analysis 2006â 2014
Hsu, H.-C. (Contributor), Liang, J. (Contributor), Chang, H.-C. (Contributor), Chang, T.-H. (Contributor), Lin, S.-K. (Contributor) & Liu, S.-H. (Creator), Figshare, 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.10033715.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.10033715.v1
資料集: Dataset
Loneliness, loneliness literacy, and change in loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic among older adults: a cross-sectional study
Hsu, H.-C. (Creator) & Chao, S.-F. (Creator), Figshare, 2022
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.6169025.v1, https://springernature.figshare.com/collections/Loneliness_loneliness_literacy_and_change_in_loneliness_during_the_COVID-19_pandemic_among_older_adults_a_cross-sectional_study/6169025/1
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 1 of Individual and environmental factors associated with cognitive function in older people: a longitudinal multilevel analysis
Hsu, H.-C. (Creator) & Bai, C.-H. (Creator), Figshare, 2022
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.19408249.v1, https://springernature.figshare.com/articles/journal_contribution/Additional_file_1_of_Individual_and_environmental_factors_associated_with_cognitive_function_in_older_people_a_longitudinal_multilevel_analysis/19408249/1
資料集: Dataset
MOESM1 of Regular exercise and the trajectory of health-related quality of life among Taiwanese adults: a cohort study analysis 2006â 2014
Hsu, H.-C. (Contributor), Chang, H.-C. (Contributor), Liang, J. (Contributor), Chang, T.-H. (Contributor), Liu, S.-H. (Creator) & Lin, S.-K. (Contributor), Figshare, 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.10033706.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.10033706.v1
資料集: Dataset
20191224_Supplementary_VAAI_vs_31_countries_R1 - Active Aging Index in Vietnam Relative to China, South Korea, Taiwan, and 28 European Union Countries
Hsu, H.-C. (Contributor), Chen, Y.-M. (Creator), Pham, T.-V. (Contributor) & Zaidi, A. (Creator), SAGE Journals, 2020
DOI: 10.25384/sage.12588353.v1, https://doi.org/10.25384%2Fsage.12588353.v1
資料集: Dataset
MOESM3 of Regular exercise and the trajectory of health-related quality of life among Taiwanese adults: a cohort study analysis 2006â 2014
Chang, H.-C. (Contributor), Hsu, H.-C. (Contributor), Liang, J. (Contributor), Chang, T.-H. (Contributor), Liu, S.-H. (Creator) & Lin, S.-K. (Contributor), Figshare, 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.10033724.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.10033724.v1
資料集: Dataset