Dataset for: Modeling the Overdetection of Screen-Identified Cancers in Population-Based Cancer Screening with the Coxian Phase-Type Markov Process
Yen, A.M.-F. (Creator), wiley, 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.4729472.v1, https://wiley.figshare.com/collections/Dataset_for_Modeling_the_Overdetection_of_Screen-Identified_Cancers_in_Population-Based_Cancer_Screening_with_the_Coxian_Phase-Type_Markov_Process/4729472/1
資料集: Dataset
Dataset for: Modeling the Overdetection of Screen-Identified Cancers in Population-Based Cancer Screening with the Coxian Phase-Type Markov Process
Yen, A.M.-F. (Creator) & Chen, H.-H. (Creator), wiley, 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.10269857.v1, https://wiley.figshare.com/articles/Dataset_for_Modeling_the_Overdetection_of_Screen-Identified_Cancers_in_Population-Based_Cancer_Screening_with_the_Coxian_Phase-Type_Markov_Process/10269857/1
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 1: of Associations between the phenotype and genotype of MnSOD and catalase in periodontal disease
Chang, C.-H. (Contributor), Huang, Y.-K. (Contributor), Lee, C.-Y. (Creator), Chang, H.-M. (Contributor), Huang, W.-T. (Contributor) & Teng, N.-C. (Contributor), Figshare, 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.9756425.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.9756425.v1
資料集: Dataset
Economic evaluation of long-term impacts of universal newborn hearing screening
Chiu, S.Y.-H. (Creator), Lung, H.-L. (Contributor), Fann, J.C.-Y. (Creator), Chen, L.-S. (Creator), Yen, A.M.-F. (Creator), Chen, H.-H. (Creator) & Chiou, S.-T. (Contributor), Taylor & Francis, 2016
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.3807297.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.3807297.v1
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 1: of Effectiveness of advice from physician and nurse on smoking cessation stage in Taiwanese male smokers attending a community-based integrated screening program
Ming-Fang Yen, A. (Contributor), Fann, C.-Y. (Contributor), Chen, H.-H. (Creator), Luh, D.-L. (Contributor), Li-Sheng Chen, S. (Contributor) & Yueh-Hsia Chiu, S. (Contributor), Figshare, 2016
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3614711_d1.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.c.3614711_d1.v1
資料集: Dataset
Glucose transporter 4 promotes head and neck squamous cell carcinoma metastasis through the TRIM24-DDX58 axis
Chang, Y.-C. (Creator), Chi, L.-H. (Contributor), Chang, W.-M. (Creator), Su, C.-Y. (Contributor), Lin, Y.-F. (Contributor), Chen, C.-L. (Creator), Chen, M.-H. (Creator), Chang, P.M.-H. (Creator), Wu, A. T. H. (Creator) & Hsiao, M. (Creator), Figshare, 2017
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3660368.v1, https://figshare.com/collections/Glucose_transporter_4_promotes_head_and_neck_squamous_cell_carcinoma_metastasis_through_the_TRIM24-DDX58_axis/3660368/1
資料集: Dataset
Fabrication of device with poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-b-ssDNA copolymer brush for resistivity study
Liu, Y.-Z. (Contributor), Chen, M.-S. (Contributor), Cheng, C.-C. (Contributor), Chen, S.-H. (Contributor) & Chen, J.-K. (Contributor), Figshare, 2017
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3898249.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.c.3898249.v1
資料集: Dataset
Evaluating Clinical Efficacy of Antiviral Therapy for COVID-19: A Surrogate Endpoint Approach
Jen, H.-H. (Contributor), Chang, W.-J. (Contributor), Lin, T.-Y. (Creator), Hsu, C.-Y. (Creator), Yen, A.M.-F. (Creator), Lai, C.-C. (Contributor) & Chen, T.H.-H. (Creator), Adis Journals, 2021
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.14170898.v1, https://adisjournals.figshare.com/articles/media/Evaluating_Clinical_Efficacy_of_Antiviral_Therapy_for_COVID-19_A_Surrogate_Endpoint_Approach/14170898/1
資料集: Dataset
Associations between the phenotype and genotype of MnSOD and catalase in periodontal disease
Lee, C.-Y. (Creator), Chang, C.-H. (Contributor), Teng, N.-C. (Contributor), Chang, H.-M. (Contributor), Huang, W.-T. (Contributor) & Huang, Y.-K. (Contributor), Figshare, 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.4650614.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.c.4650614.v1
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 1 of Proteomics-based identification of TMED9 is linked to vascular invasion and poor prognoses in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
Tung, M.-C. (Contributor), Lai, T.-C. (Contributor), Chien, M.-H. (Creator), Chen, M.-H. (Creator), Yang, Y.-C. (Contributor), Yeh, C.-N. (Creator), Jan, Y.-H. (Creator), Chang, W.-M. (Creator), Jung, S.-M. (Contributor) & Hsiao, M. (Creator), Figshare, 2021
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.14471532.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.14471532.v1
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 2 of Proteomics-based identification of TMED9 is linked to vascular invasion and poor prognoses in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
Chen, M.-H. (Creator), Chang, W.-M. (Creator), Jung, S.-M. (Contributor), Yeh, C.-N. (Creator), Tung, M.-C. (Contributor), Chien, M.-H. (Creator), Jan, Y.-H. (Creator), Yang, Y.-C. (Contributor), Hsiao, M. (Creator) & Lai, T.-C. (Contributor), Figshare, 2021
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.14471535.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.14471535.v1
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 1 of Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 promotes cancer cell migration via c-Raf/MAPK/AP-1 pathway and MMP-9 production in osteosarcoma
Chen, P.-C. (Contributor), Hou, C.-H. (Contributor), Chang, T.-M. (Contributor) & Liu, J.-F. (Contributor), Figshare, 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13279863.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.13279863.v1
資料集: Dataset
MOESM1 of Fabrication of device with poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-b-ssDNA copolymer brush for resistivity study
Chen, J.-K. (Contributor), Liu, Y.-Z. (Contributor), Chen, S.-H. (Contributor), Chen, M.-S. (Contributor) & Cheng, C.-C. (Contributor), Figshare, 2017
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3898249_d1.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.c.3898249_d1.v1
資料集: Dataset
Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 promotes cancer cell migration via c-Raf/MAPK/AP-1 pathway and MMP-9 production in osteosarcoma
Liu, J.-F. (Contributor), Chen, P.-C. (Contributor), Chang, T.-M. (Contributor) & Hou, C.-H. (Contributor), Figshare, 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5217165.v1, https://springernature.figshare.com/collections/Monocyte_Chemoattractant_Protein-1_promotes_cancer_cell_migration_via_c-Raf_MAPK_AP-1_pathway_and_MMP-9_production_in_osteosarcoma/5217165/1
資料集: Dataset
Quantile-based fecal hemoglobin concentration for assessing colorectal neoplasms with 1,263,717 Taiwanese screenees
Peng, S.-M. (Contributor), Chiu, H.-M. (Creator), Jen, H.-H. (Contributor), Hsu, C.-Y. (Creator), Chen, S.L.-S. (Creator), Chiu, S.Y.-H. (Creator), Yen, A.M.-F. (Creator), Fann, J.C.-Y. (Creator), Lee, Y.-C. (Contributor) & Chen, H.-H. (Creator), Figshare, 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.4492448.v1, https://springernature.figshare.com/collections/Quantile-based_fecal_hemoglobin_concentration_for_assessing_colorectal_neoplasms_with_1_263_717_Taiwanese_screenees/4492448/1
資料集: Dataset
Classifying interval cancers as false negatives or newly occurring in fecal immunochemical testing
Hsu, W.-F. (Creator), Hsu, C.-Y. (Creator), Yen, A.M.-F. (Creator), Chen, S.L.-S. (Creator), Chiu, S.Y.-H. (Creator), Fann, J.C.-Y. (Creator), Lee, Y.-C. (Contributor), Chiu, H.-M. (Creator) & Chen, H.-H. (Creator), SAGE Journals, 2021
DOI: 10.25384/sage.c.5275139.v1, https://sage.figshare.com/collections/Classifying_interval_cancers_as_false_negatives_or_newly_occurring_in_fecal_immunochemical_testing/5275139/1
資料集: Dataset
sj-pdf-1-msc-10.1177_0969141320986830 - Supplemental material for Classifying interval cancers as false negatives or newly occurring in fecal immunochemical testing
Chen, S.L.-S. (Creator), Hsu, C.-Y. (Creator), Yen, A.M.-F. (Creator), Lee, Y.-C. (Contributor), Chiu, S.Y.-H. (Creator), Chiu, H.-M. (Creator), Fann, J.C.-Y. (Creator), Hsu, W.-F. (Creator) & Chen, H.-H. (Creator), SAGE Journals, 2021
DOI: 10.25384/sage.13614794.v1, https://doi.org/10.25384%2Fsage.13614794.v1
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 1: of Quantile-based fecal hemoglobin concentration for assessing colorectal neoplasms with 1,263,717 Taiwanese screenees
Chen, H.-H. (Creator), Chiu, S.Y.-H. (Creator), Chen, S.L.-S. (Creator), Chiu, H.-M. (Creator), Lee, Y.-C. (Contributor), Hsu, C.-Y. (Creator), Yen, A.M.-F. (Creator), Fann, J.C.-Y. (Creator), Jen, H.-H. (Contributor) & Peng, S.-M. (Contributor), Figshare, 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.8073110.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.8073110.v1
資料集: Dataset
The impact of COVID-19 on knowledge, attitude, and infection control behaviors among dentists
Cheng, H.-C. (Creator), Chang, Y.-J. (Creator), Liao, S.-R. (Creator), Siewchaisakul, P. (Creator) & Chen, S.L.-S. (Creator), Figshare, 2021
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5716408.v1, https://springernature.figshare.com/collections/The_impact_of_COVID-19_on_knowledge_attitude_and_infection_control_behaviors_among_dentists/5716408/1
資料集: Dataset
Effectiveness of advice from physician and nurse on smoking cessation stage in Taiwanese male smokers attending a community-based integrated screening program
Luh, D.-L. (Contributor), Li-Sheng Chen, S. (Contributor), Ming-Fang Yen, A. (Contributor), Yueh-Hsia Chiu, S. (Contributor), Fann, C.-Y. (Contributor) & Chen, H.-H. (Creator), Figshare, 2016
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3614711.v1, https://figshare.com/collections/Effectiveness_of_advice_from_physician_and_nurse_on_smoking_cessation_stage_in_Taiwanese_male_smokers_attending_a_community-based_integrated_screening_program/3614711/1
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 1: Table S1. of Glucose transporter 4 promotes head and neck squamous cell carcinoma metastasis through the TRIM24-DDX58 axis
Chang, W.-M. (Creator), Hsiao, M. (Creator), Su, C.-Y. (Contributor), Chang, P.M.-H. (Creator), Lin, Y.-F. (Contributor), Wu, A. T. H. (Creator), Chen, C.-L. (Creator), Chi, L.-H. (Contributor), Chen, M.-H. (Creator) & Chang, Y.-C. (Creator), Figshare, 2017
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3660368_d1.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.c.3660368_d1.v1
資料集: Dataset
Proteomics-based identification of TMED9 is linked to vascular invasion and poor prognoses in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
Chien, M.-H. (Creator), Hsiao, M. (Creator), Jan, Y.-H. (Creator), Yang, Y.-C. (Contributor), Chang, W.-M. (Creator), Yeh, C.-N. (Creator), Jung, S.-M. (Contributor), Chen, M.-H. (Creator), Tung, M.-C. (Contributor) & Lai, T.-C. (Contributor), Figshare, 2021
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5399457.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.c.5399457.v1
資料集: Dataset