sj-docx-1-npx-10.1177_1934578X211059299 - Supplemental material for Natural Cembrane Diterpenoids From the Soft Coral <i>Sinularia querciformis</i>
Wen, Z.-H. (Creator), Hsieh, C.-C. (Creator), Li, C.-Y. (Creator), Chung, H.-M. (Creator), Chang, W.-H. (Creator), Lai, K.-H. (Creator), Chen, J.-J. (Creator) & Wu, Y.-Y. (Creator), SAGE Journals, 2021
DOI: 10.25384/sage.17112792.v1, https://sage.figshare.com/articles/journal_contribution/sj-docx-1-npx-10_1177_1934578X211059299_-_Supplemental_material_for_Natural_Cembrane_Diterpenoids_From_the_Soft_Coral_i_Sinularia_querciformis_i_/17112792/1
資料集: Dataset
CCDC 722590: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Lin, S.-J. (Creator), Yang, L.-M. (Creator), Chou, B.-H. (Creator), Hsu, F.-L. (Creator), Chang, S.-F. (Creator), Lin, W.-K. (Creator) & Ho, Y. (Creator), Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 2010
DOI: 10.5517/ccs7xc8, https://doi.org/10.5517%2Fccs7xc8
資料集: Dataset
CCDC 722592: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Lin, S.-J. (Creator), Yang, L.-M. (Creator), Lin, W.-K. (Creator), Chang, S.-F. (Creator), Chou, B.-H. (Creator), Ho, Y. (Creator) & Hsu, F.-L. (Creator), Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 2010
DOI: 10.5517/ccs7xfb, https://doi.org/10.5517%2Fccs7xfb
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 1 of Hypermethylation and decreased expression of TMEM240 are potential early-onset biomarkers for colorectal cancer detection, poor prognosis, and early recurrence prediction
Wang, S.-C. (Contributor), Chen, J.-Y. (Creator), Ansar, M. (Creator), Liew, P.-L. (Contributor), Hung, C.-S. (Contributor), Jain, S. (Creator), Chang, S.-C. (Contributor), Lin, R.-K. (Creator) & Lin, S.-Y. (Creator), Figshare, 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.12291872.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.12291872.v1
資料集: Dataset
Humanized bispecific antibody (mPEG × HER2) rapidly confers PEGylated nanoparticles tumor specificity for multimodality imaging in breast cancer
Cheng, Y.-A. (Creator), Wu, T.-H. (Contributor), Wang, Y.-M. (Contributor), Cheng, T.-L. (Creator), Chen, I.-J. (Creator), Lu, Y.-C. (Contributor), Chuang, K.-H. (Contributor), Wang, C.-K. (Contributor), Chen, C.-Y. (Creator), Lin, R.-A. (Creator), Chen, H.-J. (Creator), Liao, T.-Y. (Contributor), Liu, E.-S. (Contributor) & Chen, F.-M. (Creator), Figshare, 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5105096.v1, https://springernature.figshare.com/collections/Humanized_bispecific_antibody_mPEG_HER2_rapidly_confers_PEGylated_nanoparticles_tumor_specificity_for_multimodality_imaging_in_breast_cancer/5105096/1
資料集: Dataset
Effect of 3-subsitution of quinolinehydroxamic acids on selectivity of histone deacetylase isoforms
Lai, M.-J. (Creator), Lee, C.-H. (Creator), Chao, Y.-H. (Creator), Mehndiratta, S. (Creator), Chen, M.-C. (Creator), Liou, J.-P. (Creator) & Lee, H.-Y. (Creator), Taylor & Francis, 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13207104.v1, https://tandf.figshare.com/articles/journal_contribution/Effect_of_3-subsitution_of_quinolinehydroxamic_acids_on_selectivity_of_histone_deacetylase_isoforms/13207104/1
資料集: Dataset
Novel application of pluronic lecithin organogels (PLOs) for local delivery of synergistic combination of docetaxel and cisplatin to improve therapeutic efficacy against ovarian cancer
Chang, C.-E. (Contributor), Hsieh, C.-M. (Contributor), Chen, L.-C. (Contributor), Su, C.-Y. (Contributor), Liu, D.-Z. (Contributor), Jhan, H.-J. (Contributor), Ho, H.-O. (Contributor) & Sheu, M.-T. (Contributor), Unknown Publisher, 1月 1 2018
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.5908795.v1, https://tandf.figshare.com/articles/Novel_application_of_pluronic_lecithin_organogels_PLOs_for_local_delivery_of_synergistic_combination_of_docetaxel_and_cisplatin_to_improve_therapeutic_efficacy_against_ovarian_cancer/5908795/1
資料集: Dataset
Hypermethylation and decreased expression of TMEM240 are potential early-onset biomarkers for colorectal cancer detection, poor prognosis, and early recurrence prediction
Lin, S.-Y. (Creator), Ansar, M. (Creator), Hung, C.-S. (Contributor), Lin, R.-K. (Creator), Chang, S.-C. (Contributor), Chen, J.-Y. (Creator), Jain, S. (Creator), Liew, P.-L. (Contributor) & Wang, S.-C. (Contributor), Figshare, 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.4974518.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.c.4974518.v1
資料集: Dataset
Bispecific antibodies (anti-mPEG/anti-HER2) for active tumor targeting of docetaxel (DTX)-loaded mPEGylated nanocarriers to enhance the chemotherapeutic efficacy of HER2-overexpressing tumors
Su, C.-Y. (Contributor), Chen, M. (Contributor), Chen, L.-C. (Contributor), Ho, Y.-S. (Contributor), Ho, H.-O. (Contributor), Lin, S.-Y. (Contributor), Chuang, K.-H. (Contributor) & Sheu, M.-T. (Contributor), Unknown Publisher, 5月 2 2018
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.6213620.v1, https://tandf.figshare.com/articles/Bispecific_antibodies_anti-mPEG_anti-HER2_for_active_tumor_targeting_of_docetaxel_DTX_-loaded_mPEGylated_nanocarriers_to_enhance_the_chemotherapeutic_efficacy_of_HER2-overexpressing_tumors/6213620/1
資料集: Dataset
CCDC 1988979: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Peng, B.-R. (Contributor), Lai, K.-H. (Contributor), Lee, G.-H. (Contributor), Yu, S.S.-F. (Contributor), Duh, C.-Y. (Contributor), Su, J.-H. (Contributor), Zheng, L.-G. (Contributor), Hwang, T.-L. (Contributor) & Sung, P.-J. (Contributor), Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 2021
DOI: 10.5517/ccdc.csd.cc24rpm7, http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/services/structure_request?id=doi:10.5517/ccdc.csd.cc24rpm7&sid=DataCite
資料集: Dataset
Estrogenic and anti-neutrophilic inflammatory phenanthrenes from <i>Juncus effusus</i> L.
Lin, C.-C. (Creator), Wu, Y.-C. (Creator), Lai, K.-H. (Creator), Yu, S.-Y. (Creator), Chang, F.-R. (Creator), F?l?p, F. (Contributor), Hu, H.-C. (Creator), Hsu, Y.-M. (Creator), Kuo, Y.-T. (Creator), Hwang, T.-L. (Creator), Chuang, Y.-C. (Creator) & Tsai, Y.-H. (Creator), Taylor & Francis, 2021
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.16595003.v1, https://tandf.figshare.com/articles/journal_contribution/Estrogenic_and_anti-neutrophilic_inflammatory_phenanthrenes_from_i_Juncus_effusus_i_L_/16595003/1
資料集: Dataset
CCDC 722591: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Yang, L.-M. (Creator), Ho, Y. (Creator), Lin, S.-J. (Creator), Hsu, F.-L. (Creator), Lin, W.-K. (Creator), Chang, S.-F. (Creator) & Chou, B.-H. (Creator), Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 2010
DOI: 10.5517/ccs7xd9, https://doi.org/10.5517%2Fccs7xd9
資料集: Dataset
CCDC 660700: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Lo, C.-H. (Creator), Liaw, J.-H. (Creator), Chou, B.-H. (Creator), Lin, S.-J. (Creator), Liu, P.-C. (Creator), Chang, S.-F. (Creator), Yang, L.-M. (Creator) & Hsu, F.-L. (Creator), Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 2009
DOI: 10.5517/ccq5hx8, https://doi.org/10.5517%2Fccq5hx8
資料集: Dataset
CCDC 801020: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Liu, P.-C. (Creator), Wang, L.-H. (Creator), Lin, S.-J. (Creator), Lin, W.-K. (Creator), Chou, B.-H. (Creator), Chang, S.-F. (Creator), Hsu, F.-L. (Creator) & Yang, L.-M. (Creator), Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 2011
DOI: 10.5517/ccvwjcl, https://doi.org/10.5517%2Fccvwjcl
資料集: Dataset
A universal in silico V(D)J recombination strategy for developing humanized monoclonal antibodies
Hsieh, Y.-C. (Creator), Liao, J.-M. (Creator), Chuang, K.-H. (Creator), Ho, K.-W. (Creator), Hong, S.-T. (Creator), Liu, H.-J. (Creator), Huang, B.-C. (Creator), Chen, I.-J. (Creator), Liu, Y.-L. (Creator), Wang, J.-Y. (Creator), Tsai, H.-L. (Creator), Su, Y.-C. (Creator), Wang, Y.-T. (Creator) & Cheng, T.-L. (Creator), Figshare, 2022
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5819661.v1, https://springernature.figshare.com/collections/A_universal_in_silico_V_D_J_recombination_strategy_for_developing_humanized_monoclonal_antibodies/5819661/1
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 1: of Combination of the novel histone deacetylase inhibitor YCW1 and radiation induces autophagic cell death through the downregulation of BNIP3 in triple-negative breast cancer cells in vitro and in an orthotopic mouse model
Yeh, Y.-L. (Creator), Wang, Y.-J. (Contributor), Chiu, H.-W. (Creator), Ho, S.-Y. (Contributor), Wang, Y.-C. (Contributor), Lin, P. (Contributor) & Huang, W.-J. (Contributor), Figshare, 2016
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3697276_d1.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.c.3697276_d1.v1
資料集: Dataset
Novel application of pluronic lecithin organogels (PLOs) for local delivery of synergistic combination of docetaxel and cisplatin to improve therapeutic efficacy against ovarian cancer
Hsieh, C.-M. (Contributor), Chen, L.-C. (Contributor), Liu, D.-Z. (Contributor), Ho, H.-O. (Contributor), Su, C.-Y. (Contributor), Sheu, M.-T. (Contributor), Jhan, H.-J. (Contributor) & Chang, C.-E. (Contributor), Unknown Publisher, 2018
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.5908795, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.5908795
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 1 of A universal in silico V(D)J recombination strategy for developing humanized monoclonal antibodies
Wang, Y.-T. (Creator), Huang, B.-C. (Creator), Hsieh, Y.-C. (Creator), Ho, K.-W. (Creator), Cheng, T.-L. (Creator), Wang, J.-Y. (Creator), Liu, H.-J. (Creator), Tsai, H.-L. (Creator), Liao, J.-M. (Creator), Liu, Y.-L. (Creator), Hong, S.-T. (Creator), Chen, I.-J. (Creator), Su, Y.-C. (Creator) & Chuang, K.-H. (Creator), Figshare, 2022
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.19101789.v1, https://springernature.figshare.com/articles/journal_contribution/Additional_file_1_of_A_universal_in_silico_V_D_J_recombination_strategy_for_developing_humanized_monoclonal_antibodies/19101789/1
資料集: Dataset
Identification of a dual TAOK1 and MAP4K5 inhibitor using a structure-based virtual screening approach
Chao, M.-W. (Creator), Lin, T. E. (Creator), HuangFu, W.-C. (Creator), Chang, C.-D. (Creator), Tu, H.-J. (Creator), Chen, L.-C. (Creator), Yen, S.-C. (Creator), Sung, T.-Y. (Creator), Huang, W.-J. (Creator), Yang, C.-R. (Creator), Pan, S.-L. (Creator) & Hsu, K.-C. (Creator), Taylor & Francis, 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13213424.v1, https://tandf.figshare.com/articles/dataset/Identification_of_a_dual_TAOK1_and_MAP4K5_inhibitor_using_a_structure-based_virtual_screening_approach/13213424/1
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 1 of Humanized bispecific antibody (mPEG × HER2) rapidly confers PEGylated nanoparticles tumor specificity for multimodality imaging in breast cancer
Liu, E.-S. (Contributor), Wang, C.-K. (Contributor), Chuang, K.-H. (Contributor), Chen, F.-M. (Creator), Wu, T.-H. (Contributor), Chen, C.-Y. (Creator), Chen, I.-J. (Creator), Lin, R.-A. (Creator), Wang, Y.-M. (Contributor), Lu, Y.-C. (Contributor), Liao, T.-Y. (Contributor), Chen, H.-J. (Creator), Cheng, T.-L. (Creator) & Cheng, Y.-A. (Creator), Figshare, 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.12885938.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.12885938.v1
資料集: Dataset
CCDC 660698: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Liaw, J.-H. (Creator), Chang, S.-F. (Creator), Hsu, F.-L. (Creator), Lo, C.-H. (Creator), Yang, L.-M. (Creator), Liu, P.-C. (Creator), Chou, B.-H. (Creator) & Lin, S.-J. (Creator), Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 2009
DOI: 10.5517/ccq5hv6, https://doi.org/10.5517%2Fccq5hv6
資料集: Dataset
Combination of the novel histone deacetylase inhibitor YCW1 and radiation induces autophagic cell death through the downregulation of BNIP3 in triple-negative breast cancer cells in vitro and in an orthotopic mouse model
Chiu, H.-W. (Creator), Yeh, Y.-L. (Creator), Wang, Y.-C. (Contributor), Huang, W.-J. (Contributor), Ho, S.-Y. (Contributor), Lin, P. (Contributor) & Wang, Y.-J. (Contributor), Figshare, 2016
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3697276.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.c.3697276.v1
資料集: Dataset
CCDC 2117795: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Ke, Z.-Y. (Contributor), Chen, J.-W. (Contributor), Wu, B.-Y. (Contributor), Jhan, Y.-Y. (Contributor), Wen, Z.-H. (Contributor), Kung, T.-A. (Contributor), Sung, P.-J. (Contributor), Chen, J.-J. (Contributor), Lai, K.-H. (Contributor) & Chung, H.-M. (Contributor), Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 2022
DOI: 10.5517/ccdc.csd.cc292qz3, http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/services/structure_request?id=doi:10.5517/ccdc.csd.cc292qz3&sid=DataCite
資料集: Dataset
Bispecific antibodies (anti-mPEG/anti-HER2) for active tumor targeting of docetaxel (DTX)-loaded mPEGylated nanocarriers to enhance the chemotherapeutic efficacy of HER2-overexpressing tumors
Chen, L.-C. (Contributor), Lin, S.-Y. (Contributor), Sheu, M.-T. (Contributor), Ho, Y.-S. (Contributor), Su, C.-Y. (Contributor), Chen, M. (Contributor), Ho, H.-O. (Contributor) & Chuang, K.-H. (Contributor), Unknown Publisher, 2018
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.6213620, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.6213620
資料集: Dataset
Natural Cembrane Diterpenoids From the Soft Coral Sinularia querciformis
Wu, Y.-Y. (Creator), Hsieh, C.-C. (Creator), Li, C.-Y. (Creator), Chang, W.-H. (Creator), Chen, J.-J. (Creator), Lai, K.-H. (Creator), Wen, Z.-H. (Creator) & Chung, H.-M. (Creator), SAGE Journals, 2021
DOI: 10.25384/sage.c.5733780.v1, https://sage.figshare.com/collections/Natural_Cembrane_Diterpenoids_From_the_Soft_Coral_i_Sinularia_querciformis_i_/5733780/1
資料集: Dataset