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- 臺北醫學大學神經醫學研究中心 - 成員
人員: Researcher
陳 震宇
- 放射線學科 - 教授
- 臨床醫學研究所 - 合聘教授
- 細胞治療與再生醫學國際博士學位學程 - 合聘教授
- 醫學院人工智慧醫療碩士在職專班 - 合聘教授
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- 神經醫學博士學位學程 - 合聘教授
- 臺北醫學大學附設醫院 - 主治醫師
- 臺北醫學大學人工智慧醫療研究中心 - 主任
- 臺北醫學大學神經醫學研究中心 - 成員
- 臺北醫學大學細胞治療與再生醫學研究中心 - 成員
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人員: Researcher
陳 建中
- 生醫材料暨組織工程研究所 - 教授
- 國際生醫工程博士學位學程 - 合聘教授
- 細胞治療與再生醫學國際博士學位學程 - 合聘教授
- 牙醫學系 - 合聘教授
- 臺北醫學大學生醫器材研究中心 - 成員
- 臺北醫學大學細胞治療與再生醫學研究中心 - 成員
人員: Researcher
Prevention and management of cytomegalovirus infection and disease in kidney transplant: A consensus statement of the Transplantation Society of Taiwan
Chung, M. C., Chen, C. H., Chang, S. S., Lee, C. Y., Tian, Y. C., Wu, M. Y., Wang, H. H., Yu, C. C., Chen, T. W., Kao, C. C., Hsu, C. Y., Chiang, Y. J., Wu, M. J., Chen, Y. T. & Wu, M. S., 2月 2025, 於: Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 124, 2, p. 104-111 8 p.研究成果: 雜誌貢獻 › 回顧型文獻 › 同行評審
開啟存取1 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus) -
3D-printed porous titanium suture anchor: a rabbit lateral femoral condyle model
Wu, L. C., Hsieh, Y. Y., Hsu, T. S., Liu, P. Y., Tsuang, F. Y., Kuo, Y. J., Chen, C. H., Van Huynh, T. I. N. & Chiang, C. J., 12月 2024, 於: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 25, 1, 559.研究成果: 雜誌貢獻 › 文章 › 同行評審
開啟存取 -
Advancing teeth whitening efficacy via dual-phototherapeutic strategy incorporating molybdenum disulfide embedded in carrageenan hydrogel for dental healthcare
Tao, Y. K., Tseng, Y. W., Tzou, K. Y., Kuo, C. Y., Nguyen, H. T., Lu, H. T. & Chuang, A. E. Y., 9月 2024, 於: International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 276, 133647.研究成果: 雜誌貢獻 › 文章 › 同行評審
1 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)
sj-tif-1-car-10.1177_1947603520988153 – Supplemental material for Infrapatellar Fat Pads–Derived Stem Cell Is a Favorable Cell Source for Articular Cartilage Tissue Engineering: An In Vitro and Ex Vivo Study Based on 3D Organized Self-Assembled Biomimetic Scaffold
Wang, C.-C. (Contributor), Chen, I.-H. (Creator), Yang, Y.-T. (Creator), Chen, Y.-R. (Creator) & Yang, K.-C. (Creator), SAGE Journals, 2021
DOI: 10.25384/sage.13574125.v1, https://sage.figshare.com/articles/figure/sj-tif-1-car-10_1177_1947603520988153_Supplemental_material_for_Infrapatellar_Fat_Pads_Derived_Stem_Cell_Is_a_Favorable_Cell_Source_for_Articular_Cartilage_Tissue_Engineering_An_In_Vitro_and_Ex_Vivo_Study_Based_on_3D_Organized_Self-Assemble/13574125/1
資料集: Dataset
MOESM3 of The neuroprotective activity of heat-treated human platelet lysate biomaterials manufactured from outdated pathogen-reduced (amotosalen/UVA) platelet concentrates
Nebie, O. (Contributor), Knutson, F. (Creator), Devedjian, J.-C. (Contributor), Vingtdeux, V. (Creator), Chou, M.-L. (Creator), Burnouf, T. (Creator), Blum, D. (Creator), Devos, D. (Creator), Barro, L. (Contributor), Bordet, R. (Creator), Jonneaux, A. (Creator) & Bu?e, L. (Contributor), Figshare, 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.10094570.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.10094570.v1
資料集: Dataset
MOESM1 of The neuroprotective activity of heat-treated human platelet lysate biomaterials manufactured from outdated pathogen-reduced (amotosalen/UVA) platelet concentrates
Bu?e, L. (Contributor), Devedjian, J.-C. (Contributor), Knutson, F. (Creator), Vingtdeux, V. (Creator), Devos, D. (Creator), Bordet, R. (Creator), Jonneaux, A. (Creator), Blum, D. (Creator), Nebie, O. (Contributor), Barro, L. (Contributor), Chou, M.-L. (Creator) & Burnouf, T. (Creator), Figshare, 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.10094555.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.10094555.v1
資料集: Dataset