Diversity and enterotype in gut bacterial community of adults in Taiwan
Liang, C. (Creator), Tseng, H.-C. (Contributor), Chen, H.-M. (Creator), Wang, W.-C. (Contributor), Chiu, C.-M. (Contributor), Chang, J.-Y. (Contributor), Lu, K.-Y. (Contributor), Weng, S.-L. (Contributor), Chang, T.-H. (Contributor), Chang, C.-H. (Contributor), Weng, C.-T. (Contributor), Wang, H.-M. (Contributor) & Huang, H.-D. (Contributor), Figshare, 2017
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3676516.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.c.3676516.v1
資料集: Dataset
COVID-19 infodemic and digital health literacy in vulnerable populations: A scoping review
Choukou, M.-A. (Creator), Sanchez-Ramirez, D. C. (Creator), Pol, M. (Creator), Uddin, M. (Creator), Monnin, C. (Creator) & Syed-Abdul, S. (Creator), SAGE Journals, 2022
DOI: 10.25384/sage.c.5861297.v1, https://sage.figshare.com/collections/COVID-19_infodemic_and_digital_health_literacy_in_vulnerable_populations_A_scoping_review/5861297/1
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 2: Figure S1. of Diversity and enterotype in gut bacterial community of adults in Taiwan
Chiu, C.-M. (Contributor), Wang, W.-C. (Contributor), Weng, S.-L. (Contributor), Weng, C.-T. (Contributor), Liang, C. (Creator), Tseng, H.-C. (Contributor), Huang, H.-D. (Contributor), Chen, H.-M. (Creator), Chang, T.-H. (Contributor), Chang, C.-H. (Contributor), Lu, K.-Y. (Contributor), Chang, J.-Y. (Contributor) & Wang, H.-M. (Contributor), Figshare, 2017
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3676516_d1.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.c.3676516_d1.v1
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 4 of Neoadjuvant metformin added to conventional chemotherapy synergizes anti-proliferative effects in ovarian cancer
Lee, M.-H. (Contributor), Wu, A. T. H. (Creator), Yeung, S.-C. J. (Contributor), Wen, K.-C. (Creator), Chou, P.-C. (Contributor), Huang, C.-Y. F. (Contributor), Lin, J.-H. (Contributor) & Sung, P.-L. (Contributor), Figshare, 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.12845531.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.12845531.v1
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 1 of Neoadjuvant metformin added to conventional chemotherapy synergizes anti-proliferative effects in ovarian cancer
Chou, P.-C. (Contributor), Wu, A. T. H. (Creator), Sung, P.-L. (Contributor), Huang, C.-Y. F. (Contributor), Lin, J.-H. (Contributor), Wen, K.-C. (Creator), Yeung, S.-C. J. (Contributor) & Lee, M.-H. (Contributor), Figshare, 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.12845522.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.12845522.v1
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 14: of Hypoxia-induced Slug SUMOylation enhances lung cancer metastasis
Hung, P.-F. (Contributor), Hong, T.-M. (Contributor), Chang, C.-C. (Contributor), Hung, C.-L. (Contributor), Hsu, Y.-L. (Contributor), Chang, Y.-L. (Contributor), Wu, C.-T. (Contributor), Chang, G.-C. (Contributor), Chan, N.-L. (Contributor), Yu, S.-L. (Contributor), Yang, P.-C. (Contributor) & Pan, S.-H. (Contributor), Unknown Publisher, 1月 6 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7552487.v1, https://springernature.figshare.com/articles/Additional_file_14_of_Hypoxia-induced_Slug_SUMOylation_enhances_lung_cancer_metastasis/7552487/1
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 16: of Hypoxia-induced Slug SUMOylation enhances lung cancer metastasis
Hung, P.-F. (Contributor), Hong, T.-M. (Contributor), Chang, C.-C. (Contributor), Hung, C.-L. (Contributor), Hsu, Y.-L. (Contributor), Chang, Y.-L. (Contributor), Wu, C.-T. (Contributor), Chang, G.-C. (Contributor), Chan, N.-L. (Contributor), Yu, S.-L. (Contributor), Yang, P.-C. (Contributor) & Pan, S.-H. (Contributor), Unknown Publisher, 1月 6 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7552499.v1, https://springernature.figshare.com/articles/Additional_file_16_of_Hypoxia-induced_Slug_SUMOylation_enhances_lung_cancer_metastasis/7552499/1
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 2 of Isotypes of autoantibodies against novel differential 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal-modified peptide adducts in serum is associated with rheumatoid arthritis in Taiwanese women
Lin, Y.-F. (Creator), Chang, C.-C. (Creator), Chang, Y.-S. (Creator), Tai, C.-C. (Contributor), Su, E.C.-Y. (Creator), Chen, J.-H. (Creator), Chang, H.-W. (Creator), Tsai, K.-L. (Contributor), Lin, S.-H. (Creator), Lin, C.-Y. (Creator), Tsai, I.-J. (Contributor) & Lu, Y.-Y. (Creator), Figshare, 2021
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13889388.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.13889388.v1
資料集: Dataset
Glucose transporter 4 promotes head and neck squamous cell carcinoma metastasis through the TRIM24-DDX58 axis
Chang, Y.-C. (Creator), Chi, L.-H. (Contributor), Chang, W.-M. (Creator), Su, C.-Y. (Contributor), Lin, Y.-F. (Contributor), Chen, C.-L. (Creator), Chen, M.-H. (Creator), Chang, P.M.-H. (Creator), Wu, A. T. H. (Creator) & Hsiao, M. (Creator), Figshare, 2017
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3660368.v1, https://figshare.com/collections/Glucose_transporter_4_promotes_head_and_neck_squamous_cell_carcinoma_metastasis_through_the_TRIM24-DDX58_axis/3660368/1
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 8: of Hypoxia-induced Slug SUMOylation enhances lung cancer metastasis
Hung, P.-F. (Contributor), Hong, T.-M. (Contributor), Chang, C.-C. (Contributor), Hung, C.-L. (Contributor), Hsu, Y.-L. (Contributor), Chang, Y.-L. (Contributor), Wu, C.-T. (Contributor), Chang, G.-C. (Contributor), Chan, N.-L. (Contributor), Yu, S.-L. (Contributor), Yang, P.-C. (Contributor) & Pan, S.-H. (Contributor), Unknown Publisher, 1月 6 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7552550.v1, https://springernature.figshare.com/articles/Additional_file_8_of_Hypoxia-induced_Slug_SUMOylation_enhances_lung_cancer_metastasis/7552550/1
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 10: of Hypoxia-induced Slug SUMOylation enhances lung cancer metastasis
Hung, P.-F. (Contributor), Hong, T.-M. (Contributor), Chang, C.-C. (Contributor), Hung, C.-L. (Contributor), Hsu, Y.-L. (Contributor), Chang, Y.-L. (Contributor), Wu, C.-T. (Contributor), Chang, G.-C. (Contributor), Chan, N.-L. (Contributor), Yu, S.-L. (Contributor), Yang, P.-C. (Contributor) & Pan, S.-H. (Contributor), Unknown Publisher, 1月 6 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7552460.v1, https://springernature.figshare.com/articles/Additional_file_10_of_Hypoxia-induced_Slug_SUMOylation_enhances_lung_cancer_metastasis/7552460/1
資料集: Dataset
Supplementary_Figure_1_Characterization_of_U87MG - The Development and Applications of a Dual Optical Imaging System for Studying Glioma Stem Cells
Wen, Y.-T. (Creator), Hsiao, M. (Creator), Huynh, T.-T. (Contributor), Lin, C.-M. (Creator), Tai, P.-A. (Contributor), Wu, A. T. H. (Creator), Wei, L. (Creator) & Liu, Y.-L. (Contributor), SAGE Journals, 2019
DOI: 10.25384/sage.9767339.v1, https://doi.org/10.25384%2Fsage.9767339.v1
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 1: Table S1. of Aberrant KDM5B expression promotes aggressive breast cancer through MALAT1 overexpression and downregulation of hsa-miR-448
Bamodu, O. A. (Contributor), Lee, W.-H. (Contributor), Chao, T.-Y. (Contributor), Huang, W.-C. (Contributor), Yeh, C.-T. (Contributor), Wu, A. (Creator), Hsiao, M. (Creator) & Wang, L. S. (Creator), Figshare, 2016
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3621719_d1.v1, https://doi.org/10.6084%2Fm9.figshare.c.3621719_d1.v1
資料集: Dataset
CCDC 2000792: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Hsu, M.-H. (Contributor), Hsieh, C.-Y. (Contributor), Kapoor, M. (Contributor), Chang, J.-H. (Contributor), Chu, H.-L. (Contributor), Cheng, T.-M. (Contributor), Hsu, K.-C. (Contributor), Lin, T. E. (Contributor), Tsai, F.-Y. (Contributor) & Horng, J.-C. (Contributor), Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 2020
DOI: 10.5517/ccdc.csd.cc254zp0, http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/services/structure_request?id=doi:10.5517/ccdc.csd.cc254zp0&sid=DataCite
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 4: of Hypoxia-induced Slug SUMOylation enhances lung cancer metastasis
Hung, P.-F. (Contributor), Hong, T.-M. (Contributor), Chang, C.-C. (Contributor), Hung, C.-L. (Contributor), Hsu, Y.-L. (Contributor), Chang, Y.-L. (Contributor), Wu, C.-T. (Contributor), Chang, G.-C. (Contributor), Chan, N.-L. (Contributor), Yu, S.-L. (Contributor), Yang, P.-C. (Contributor) & Pan, S.-H. (Contributor), Unknown Publisher, 1月 6 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7552526.v1, https://springernature.figshare.com/articles/Additional_file_4_of_Hypoxia-induced_Slug_SUMOylation_enhances_lung_cancer_metastasis/7552526/1
資料集: Dataset
Additional file 9: of Hypoxia-induced Slug SUMOylation enhances lung cancer metastasis
Hung, P.-F. (Contributor), Hong, T.-M. (Contributor), Chang, C.-C. (Contributor), Hung, C.-L. (Contributor), Hsu, Y.-L. (Contributor), Chang, Y.-L. (Contributor), Wu, C.-T. (Contributor), Chang, G.-C. (Contributor), Chan, N.-L. (Contributor), Yu, S.-L. (Contributor), Yang, P.-C. (Contributor) & Pan, S.-H. (Contributor), Unknown Publisher, 1月 6 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7552553.v1, https://springernature.figshare.com/articles/Additional_file_9_of_Hypoxia-induced_Slug_SUMOylation_enhances_lung_cancer_metastasis/7552553/1
資料集: Dataset