Additional file 5: Figure S3. of Investigation and identification of protein carbonylation sites based on position-specific amino acid composition and physicochemical features
Weng, S. L., Huang, K. Y., Kaunang, F. J., Huang, C. H., Kao, H. J., Chang, T. H., Wang, H. Y., Lu, J. J. & Lee, T. Y., 3月 14 2017, 於: BMC Bioinformatics.18, 66.
Chang, T. (Contributor), Wang, H. (Contributor), Weng, S. (Contributor), Lu, J. (Contributor), Kao, H. (Creator), Kaunang, F. J. (Contributor), Huang, C. (Contributor), Lee, T. (Contributor), Huang, K. (Contributor) (2017). Additional file 5: Figure S3. of Investigation and identification of protein carbonylation sites based on position-specific amino acid composition and physicochemical features. Figshare. 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3718204_d5.v1