Additional file 4: of Identification of natural antimicrobial peptides from bacteria through metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analysis of high-throughput transcriptome data of Taiwanese oolong teas
Huang, K. Y., Chang, T. H., Jhong, J. H., Chi, Y. H., Li, W. C., Chan, C. L., Robert Lai, K. & Lee, T. Y., 12月 21 2017, 於: BMC Systems Biology.11, 131.
Lee, T. (Contributor), Chi, Y. (Contributor), Robert Lai, L. K. (Contributor), Li, W. (Creator), Jhong, J. (Contributor), Chang, T. (Contributor), Chan, C. (Contributor), Huang, K. (Contributor) (2017). Additional file 4: of Identification of natural antimicrobial peptides from bacteria through metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analysis of high-throughput transcriptome data of Taiwanese oolong teas. Figshare. 10.6084/m9.figshare.5802858.v1