Table S1. Biochemistry tests including GOT, GPT, albumin, BUN, and creatinine. Table S2. Patient characteristics and the analysis results of cancer-specific survival in different variables. (DOCX 16Â kb)
Wang, Y. (Contributor), Wang, B. (Contributor), Huang, B. (Contributor), Ho, S. (Contributor), Yang, W. (Contributor), Lin, L. (Contributor), Wu, Y. (Creator), Wu, W. (Creator), Liu, C. (Contributor), Yeh, Y. (Creator), Chiu, H. (Creator) (2018). Additional file 3: of Bortezomib enhances radiosensitivity in oral cancer through inducing autophagy-mediated TRAF6 oncoprotein degradation. Figshare. 10.6084/m9.figshare.6198044.v1