Additional file 15: of Hypoxia-induced Slug SUMOylation enhances lung cancer metastasis

  • Pei Fang Hung (Contributor)
  • Tse Ming Hong (Contributor)
  • Che-Chang Chang (Contributor)
  • Chung Lieh Hung (Contributor)
  • Yuan Ling Hsu (Contributor)
  • Yih-Leong Chang (Contributor)
  • Chen Tu Wu (Contributor)
  • Gee-Chen Chang (Contributor)
  • Nei Li Chan (Contributor)
  • Sung Liang Yu (Contributor)
  • Pan Chyr Yang (Contributor)
  • Szu Hua Pan (Contributor)



Figure S15. The Slug protein was preferentially SUMOylated. The SUMOylated levels of the Snail and Slug proteins in the steady state. HEK293T cells were cotransfected with plasmids encoding Flag-tagged Snail or Slug and GFP-tagged SUMO-1. Then, the cells were used for immunoprecipitation with an anti-Flag antibody followed by immunoblotting with the indicated antibodies. β-actin was used as the internal control. The asterisk and arrowhead indicate SUMOylated Slug and non-modified Snail and Slug, respectively. (PDF 37 kb)
可用日期1月 6 2019
發行者Unknown Publisher
