Supplementary materials containing the detailed methodology of Bayesian inverse method, one appendix figure, and five appendix tables were included in the supplementary file. (DOCX 358 kb)
Chen, H. (Creator), Chiu, S. Y. (Creator), Chen, S. L. (Creator), Chiu, H. (Creator), Lee, Y. (Contributor), Hsu, C. (Creator), Yen, A. M. (Creator), Fann, J. C. (Creator), Jen, H. (Contributor), Peng, S. (Contributor) (2019). Additional file 1: of Quantile-based fecal hemoglobin concentration for assessing colorectal neoplasms with 1,263,717 Taiwanese screenees. Figshare. 10.6084/m9.figshare.8073110.v1