The development and use of a pharmacist-specific Mini-CEX for postgraduate year trainees in Taiwan

Chung Jen Wei, Tzu Hsuan Lu, Shu Chen Chien, Wan Tsui Huang, Yueh Ping Liu, Cho Yu Chan, Chiung Hsuan Chiu

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10 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Clinical pharmacists must have a complex combination of academic knowledge and practical experience that integrates all aspects of practice. Taiwan's Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2007 launched the Postgraduate Year (PGY) training program to increase the standard of pharmaceutical care. This study aims to develop a pharmacist-specific Chinese-language Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise (Mini-CEX) to evaluate the professional development of postgraduate year trainees. Method: The specialized Mini-CEX was developed based on the core competencies of pharmacists, published literature, and expert opinion. A pilot test and evaluator workshop were held prior to the administration of the main test. Fifty-three samples were recruited. The main study was conducted at two regional teaching hospitals and a medical center teaching hospital in Taiwan between February and June 2012. The results were analyzed with the kappa statistic (inter-rater reliability) and descriptive statistics, while the Kruskal-Wallis test was used to examine the PGY trainees' Mini-CEX scores based on their performances. Results: Trainees who had recently completed PGY programs (C-PGY) and 2nd year PGY trainees (PGY2) earned excellent scores, while the 1st year PGY trainees (PGY1) earned satisfactory scores in overall performance. C-PGY and PGY2 trainees also performed significantly better than PGY1 trainees in the organization and efficiency domain, and the communication skills domain. Conclusion: This study demonstrates the feasibility of using the newly developed pharmacist-specific Chinese-language version of the Mini-CEX instrument to evaluate the core competencies of PGY trainees in clinical settings.

Original languageEnglish
Article number165
Pages (from-to)165
JournalBMC Medical Education
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - May 22 2019


  • Mini-CEX
  • On-the-job training
  • PGY trainees
  • Postgraduate year training program
  • Work-based assessment

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Education


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