Proficiency of drug susceptibility testing for Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Taiwan, 2007-2011

M. H. Wu, C. Y. Chiang, Y. M. Deng, T. F. Wang, Ruwen Jou

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7 Citations (Scopus)


SETTING: Authorised clinical mycobacteriology laboratories in Taiwan. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of external quality assessment (EQA) on the quality of drug susceptibility testing (DST) in 2007-2011. DESIGN: Panels consisting of 20-30 Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains were used. Efficiency of 95% in detecting resistance to both isoniazid (INH) and rifampicin (RMP), and of 90% to ethambutol (EMB) and streptomycin (SM) was used to define a competent laboratory. RESULTS: The proportion of laboratories that fulfilled the competency criteria for all first-line drugs was 16.7% in 2007, increasing to 85.7% in 2008, 86.1% in 2009, 82.4% in 2010, and to 96.8% in 2011 (P < 0.01). The mean efficiency in detecting resistance to INH and RMP reached >99% during 2008-2011 (P = 0.90 for INH and P = 0.82 for RMP), and for EMB it increased from 82.0% in 2007 to 92.2% in 2008 and 99.5% in 2011 (P < 0.01), while that for resistance to SM increased from 82.0% in 2007 to 98.1% in 2008 and 99.5% in 2011 (P < 0.01). Preparations of inoculum for DST and detection of EMB resistance were the main reasons for non-competence. CONCLUSION: The EQA programme was effective in improving the competency of clinical laboratories in performing DST for tuberculosis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)113-119+i
JournalInternational Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 1 2013


  • Drug susceptibility testing
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  • Proficiency

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine
  • Infectious Diseases


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