Prevalence and Treatment of Pediculus Capitis Infestaion among Aboriginal School Children in Northern Taiwan

Ping-Chin Fan, Wen Cheng Chung, Chia-Kwung Fan, Ping Huang, Chih-Wei Yen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In the present study, pediculosis was investigated among a total of 2,725 children from 35 primary schools in Hsiulin District of Hsiulin District of Hualien County, Jenai District County, Fushing District of Taoyuan County, and Nanao District of Ilan County. The overall infestation rate was 12.8%. The rates by districts were 19.7%, 17.3%,16.7%,15.1%,7.9%,and 3.0%, respectively. The pediculicides including Nix (permethrin 1%) 56gm/tube, Para aerosol (bioallethrin 0.66%) 90gm/tube, and perioderm (malathion 1%) cream shampoo 40gm/tube were used to treat the head louse infestation in 83, 91, and 103 children; the cure rates were 97.3%, 94.1%, and 93.4%, respectively. No significant differences were found in these rates. The reactions were slight and transitory. A total of 636 lice ws collected from the hair using fine-toothed combs before treatment and from the used towels after treatment of children in Wulai, Chienshin , Hsiulin, and Jenai Districts. Each child was found infested with a mean of 7.71 lice. The mean intensity of infestation was found infested with Chineshih (8.7) came next. Wulai (3.7) and Hsiulin (3.6) had lower intensities.
Translated title of the contribution台灣北部山地原住民學童頭蝨之感染及治療
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)209-217
Number of pages9
JournalGaoxiong yi xue ke xue za zhi = The Kaohsiung journal of medical sciences
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1999


  • pediculus capitis
  • infestation rate
  • cure rate


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