Magnetic resonance image analysis method and method for evaluating the risks of radiotherapy

Syu-Jyun Peng (Inventor), Cheng Chia Lee (Inventor), Huai Che Yang (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The present disclosure provides a magnetic resonance (MR) image analysis method for a patient who underwent radiotherapy. The method includes the steps: receiving an MR image set of a patient and a dose map of a radiotherapy plan; converting the dose intensity distribution of the dose map into the relative spatial positions in the MR image set; selecting a radiation dose and a radiation exposure region, wherein the radiation exposure region has radiation intensity being equal to or higher than the radiation dose; using the radiation exposure region to determine a region of interest (ROI) in the MR image set; classifying the voxels inside the ROI of the MR image set into different clusters according to the grayscale values of the voxels inside the ROI; and calculating the volume or ratios of the different clusters inside the ROI. The present disclosure also provides a method for evaluating risks of radiotherapy.
Original languageEnglish
Patent number10346719
Publication statusPublished - Jul 19 2019


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