
Even when brain scans fail to detect a striate lesion, functional evidence for blindsight can be adduced. In the aftermath of an automobile accident, JK became blind. Results of ophthalmic exams indicated that the blindness must be cortical. Nevertheless, multiple MRI scans failed to detect structural damage to the striate cortex. Prior to the accident JK had been an athlete; after the accident he retained some athletic abilities, arousing suspicions that he might be engaged in fraud. His residual athletic abilities—e.g., hitting a handball or baseball, or catching a Frisbee—coupled with his experienced blindness, suggested blindsight. But due to the apparent absence of striate lesions, we designed a series of tasks for temporal and spatial dimensions in an attempt to detect functional evidence of his disability. Indeed, test results revealed compelling neural evidence that comport with his subjective reports. This spatiotemporal task-related method that includes contrasts with healthy controls, and detailed understanding of the patient's conscious experience, can be generalized for clinical, scientific and forensic investigations of blindsight.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1207115
JournalFrontiers in Neurology
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • akinetopsia
  • blindsight
  • consciousness
  • fMRI
  • hypercapnia challenge
  • P300
  • Riddoch Syndrome
  • self-relatedness

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Neurology
  • Clinical Neurology


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