A Low-Cost, Sensitive Reporter System Using Membrane-Tethered Horseradish Peroxidase for Efficient Gene Expression Analysis

Mu Shen Chang, Chia Yi Lee, En Shuo Liu, Hsuan Chao, Hsin Yu Wu, Yu Yen Chang, Yen Ling Liu, Yu Tung Chen, Yu Cheng Su, Yeng Tseng Wang, Tian Lu Cheng, Chia Hung Yen, Cheng Wei Lin, Hsin Kai Huang, Wen Wei Lin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Reporter gene assays are essential for high-throughput analysis, such as drug screening or determining downstream signaling activation/inhibition. However, use of this technology has been hampered by the high cost of the substrate (e.g., d-Luciferin (d-Luc)) in the most common firefly luciferase (FLuc) reporter gene assay. Although alternate luciferase is available worldwide, its substrate has remained expensive, and a more affordable option is still in demand. Here, we present a membrane-tethered horseradish peroxidase (mHRP), a new reporter system composed of a cell membrane expressing HRP that can preserve its enzymatic function on the cell surface, facilitates contact with HRP substrates (e.g., ABTS and TMB), and avoids the cell lysis process and the use of the high-priced luciferase substrate. An evaluation of the light signal sensitivity of mHRP compared to FLuc showed that both had comparable signal sensitivity. We also identified an extended substrate half-life of more than 5-fold that of d-Luc. Of note, this strategy provided a more stable detection signal, and the cell lysis process is not mandatory. Furthermore, with this strategy, we decreased the total amount of time taken for analysis and increased the time of detection limit of the reporter assay. Pricing analysis showed a one-third to one twenty-eighth price drop per single test of reporter assay. Given the convenience and stability of the mHRP reporter system, we believe that our strategy is suitable for use as an alternative to the luciferase reporter assay.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)14341-14349
Number of pages9
JournalAnalytical Chemistry
Issue number38
Publication statusPublished - Sept 26 2023

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Analytical Chemistry


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