醫學圖書館聯盟之建置與推廣: 以臺北醫學大學數位圖書館聯盟為例

Translated title of the contribution: The Establishment and Promotion of Medical Library Consortia: A Case Study of the TMU DiLib Consortium

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Nowadays, libraries pay much attention to electronic resources because of the advancement of information technologies and the wide spreading of the internet connections. Libraries in different types are evolving toward the direction of digital libraries. As a result, a new definition of a modern library is proposed-a library is an institution to establish access points of information and to provide services for its users. In the meantime, an ideal digital library should not only be the accumulation of electronic resources, but also an organization provides the resources including the specialized staff and qualified collections of digital works; therefore, they are readily and economically available for use by a defined community or set of communities. Based on the above ideas and cooperating the resources and powers of small and middle size hospital libraries, the Taipei Medical University Digital Library Consortium (TMU DiLib) was founded. To begin with, this article briefly introduces five major medical library consortia in Taiwan, and then describes the current status, service performance, and future development of the TMU DiLib consortium. The author hopes to serve as a reference for establishment and promotion of other digital library consortia.
Translated title of the contributionThe Establishment and Promotion of Medical Library Consortia: A Case Study of the TMU DiLib Consortium
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)51-73
Number of pages23
Issue number95年2
Publication statusPublished - 2006


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