
陳昱璋, 李佳蓉, 梁文俐, 劉崇喜, 郭昭麟, 陳益昇

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《臺灣中藥典第四版》已於2021年出版。《臺灣中藥典第三版》是繼《臺灣中藥典第二版》之後於2018年所出的專書,內容大多參考《中華人民共和國藥典2015年版》,尤其是植物基原。在修訂《臺灣中藥典第二版》之時,適值英國Kew皇家植物園公布The Plant List(TPL)與the International Plant Names Index(IPNI)兩個資料庫,藥材基原植物學名得以參考與修正。藥用真菌的學名參考Index Fungorum與MycoBank兩個資料庫。藥用動物的學名則參考Encyclopedia of Life與中國動物物種編目數據庫。這次修正我們參考資料不斷更新之Plants of the World Online(POWO)及Medicinal Plants Names Services(MPNS),同時也參考Index Fungorum與MycoBank,澈底檢討《臺灣中藥典第三版》中的基原與拉丁生藥名,分析其中58項學名後修正了48項學名,且修正23項拉丁生藥名。《臺灣中藥典第四版》將在基原與拉丁生藥名方面擁有一個新的面貌。The Taiwan Herbal Pharmacopeia 4th edition (THP(IV)) have been published in 2021. The THP(III) arranged as monograph in 2018, was a successive edition of THP(II), which contents referred majorly of ChP(2015), especially in plant origins. In the time of revising the THP(II), the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew announced the production of databases of The Plant List (TPL), the International Plant Names Index (IPNI) which provided valuable scientific names of medicinal plants. The databases of Index Fungorum and MycoBank were referred for scientific names of medicinal fungi. The databases of Encyclopedia of Life and China Animal Species Catalogue Database were referred for scientific names of medicinal animals in THP(III). This time we checked thoroughly the origins and Latin names of crude drugs in THP(III) and referred the update databases of Plants of the World Online (POWO) and Medicinal Plants Names Services (MPNS), together with Index Fungorum and MycoBank. After analyzing 58 scientific names, 48 scientific names and 23 Latin names of crude drugs were corrected. THP(IV) will own a new face on the origins and Latin names of crude drugs.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)17-40
Number of pages24
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Dec 1 2021


  • 學名
  • 中藥材
  • 拉丁生藥名
  • 臺灣中藥典
  • scientific name
  • Chinese herbal medicine
  • Latin name of crude drug
  • Taiwan Herbal Pharmacopeia

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