本研究之目的在比較聯合執業與單獨執業醫師的工作滿意度及探討其不滿意之因素。研究方法以2001年11月在行政院衛生署醫政處登記執業的9,336家診所為研究對象,全面施以普查,採取郵寄問卷的方式蒐集所需的資料。在統計分析方面,以邏輯式迴歸分析探討執業型態與醫師工作滿意度之相關性。共計郵寄出問卷9,336份,回收1,821份,回收率為19.5%。在控制醫師性別、年齡、是否具專科醫師資格、在目前執業場所執業年資及執業地點後,發現聯合執業醫師比單獨執業醫師有較高的工作滿意度(OR=3.467; 95% CI 2.595-4.633; p< 0.001)。醫師覺得不滿意的前五項因素,在單獨執業醫師方面為工作時間過長(61.0%)、醫療收入減少(59.0%)、健保體制及政策之不確定性(55.8%)、沒有時間休閒(54.8%)及健保申報事項(41.0%);而在聯合執業醫師方面為健保體制及政策之不確定性(63.9%)、健保申報事項(53.7%)、醫療收入減少(51.0%)、稅務問題(34.0%)及醫療糾紛(32.2%)。研究發現參與聯合執業的醫師比參與單獨執業的醫師容易有較高的工作滿意度,可能原因為聯合執業醫師收入穩定及工作時間較為固定,使醫師能有更多的時間進修或進行休閒活動;健保體制及政策之不確定性、健保申報事項及醫療收入減少是基層開業醫師共同不滿的因素。 The purposes of this study are to compare the job satisfaction levels of physicians between in group practice and solo practice, and to explore their related dissatisfactory factors. The study employed 9336 clinics registered in the Department of Health in November 2001. A mailing survey was performed to collect applicable data. A multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to compare the job satisfaction levels of physicians between in group practice and solo practice. There were 1,821 questionnaires returned and yielded a 19.5% of response rate. The result showed that physicians in group practice have the averaged higher job satisfaction level compared to their counterparts in solo practice after adjusting for physician's gender, age, whether a physician has specialty certificate, number of years in current practice, and practice location (OR=3.467; 95% CI 2.595-4.633; p<0.001). This study revealed that physicians in group practice have the averaged higher job satisfaction level compared to their counterparts in solo practice. The possible reasons contributing to physicians' higher satisfaction level in group practice are more stabilized income and more fixed working hours. Both provide physicians in group practice with having more flexible time to receive continuing education or to perform recreation activities. The instability of regulations, medical claim procedures and reduced income are the dissatisfactory factors for both group practice physicians and solo practice physicians.
Original language | Chinese (Traditional) |
Pages (from-to) | 58-66 |
Journal | 臺灣家庭醫學雜誌 |
Volume | 12卷 |
Issue number | 2期 |
Publication status | Published - 2002 |