
Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This article discusses nursing care experiences of a client diagnosed with Guillain-Barre' syndrome. During the period of caring, methods such as observation, interview, and physical examination were used to collect clinical data. The patient exhibited difficulty in movement of limbs and fear of treatment and prognosis of this rare disease that the client had never heard before. Based on the Gordon's eleven Function Health Patterns Assessment, this author generated three nursing diagnoses: (1) Impaired physical mobility. (2) Knowledge deficiency (specifically lacking knowledge related to this rare disease). (3) Anxiety. Nursing interventions included supplying educational teaching that focused on disease process and treatment plan, scheduling nursing activities at bedside, providing mental support, and consulting for rehabilitation. The client recognized the disease process and treatments, experienced reduced anxiety and disability, and client's physical function was promoted during hospitalization.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)65-71
Number of pages7
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2009

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