
古 雪鈴(Shei-Ling Ku), 李 艷清(Yean-Ching Lee), 謝 麗珠(Lih-Ju Shieh), 趙 慧玲(Hui-Lin Chao), Wen-Yin Chang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In order to create a better learning environment and to improve the effectiveness of clinical practicum for nursing students, a comprehensive clinical plan and strategy is needed. However, due to the complexity of operation room, many factors may affect the effectiveness of practicum, such as nursing students' lack of familiarity with surgical skills, inadequate preparation, and no fixed clinical educator. As a result, medical errors may occur. Therefore, the aim of this project was to improve the effectiveness of practicum and to reduce medical errors.
After revising the four-week learning lessons, completing a clinical guideline, revising practicum goals, and establishing a reward policy, the results were as follows. The average learning scores were improved from 78 points to 88 points for each student. Medical errors were reduced, including reduction in number of accidental needle stabbings from 2 to zero, a reduction in the number of contamination of sterile appliances and materials from 58 to 25 items, and a reduction in the number of disinfected packages accidentally opened from 15 to 7 packages. Overall satisfaction was increased from 70% to 90%. The aim of this project was achieved.
The results of this project cannot only improve the effectiveness of practicum for nursing students at an operation room, but also improve the understanding of learning objectives by nurses. Nurses, thus, can be appropriately involved in students' education.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)83-94
Number of pages12
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2005

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