抵抗與收編: 從大眾文化屬性論臺灣歌謠的論述實踐

Translated title of the contribution: Resistance and Incorporation: A Study on Discourse Practice of Taiwanese Pop Songs from the Attribute of Popular Culture

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Discourse practice of Taiwanese pop songs and the attribute of popular culture are in different gradations. This essay advocates that observation into the history of Taiwanese pop songs should be conducted from the perspect ives popular culture, while the comprehension of this history should be practiced from the perspectives of cultural meaning, instead of social function. From the perspectives of attribute of popular culture, “populace” is the variable allegiances as it has no fixed boundary. In such context, “populace” cannot be defined by the fixed scope of sociology, while the “populace” in popular culture of Taiwanese pop song s and “Taiwanese people” in discourse of Taiwanese pop songs may not share the same concept. This essay examines and reviews the discourse of Taiwanese pop songs through the attribute of popular culture, aiming to clarify the two important issues of the studies on Taiwanese pop songs. The first issue is the direction for interpretation of Taiwanese pop songs, as this essay advocates conducting studies from the perspectives of popular culture, replacing the interpretative model centered on Taiwanese subjectivity as the core. Secondly , with regard to the issue of banned songs, this essay introduces the interpretative model of “Social Health” following the perspectives of popular culture in an attempt to indicate the conflicts of two powers represented by purity and filthiness behind the  banned songs. Lastly, in this essay, the researchers want to establish one new possibility to face the  research of Taiwanese  ballads again through  these studies.
Translated title of the contributionResistance and Incorporation: A Study on Discourse Practice of Taiwanese Pop Songs from the Attribute of Popular Culture
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)133-172
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2009
Externally publishedYes


  • Popular Culture
  • Taiwanese Pop Songs
  • Social Health
  • Cultural Purity Movement

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