
陳淑卿, 賴裕和, 林佳靜, 陳宏基

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Hand injury is one of the major accidents in Taiwan. Assessing the post-traumatic responses may predict the adaptation of illness. However, few validated assessment tool has been applied for assessing acute post-traumatic responses of patients with hand injury in clinical setting. The purposes o this study were to (1) develop the ”Acute Post-Traumatic Response Scale (APTRS)”, (2) test the reliability and validity of the scale, (3) explore the acute post-traumatic responses in patients with hand injury, and (4) explore the correlation of demographics characteristic and traumatic characteristics with acute post-traumatic responses in patients with hand injury. This study consisted of two steps. Step 1 was to interview five patients using an interview guide. The purposes of step 1 were to revise interview guide and explore the characteristics of acute post- traumatic responses in patients with hand injury. According to the results of the content analysis on interriew data and literature review, ”Acute Post-Traumatic Response Scale (APTRS)” was developed. Step 2 was to administrate Acute Post-Traumatic Response Scale to a latger sample. One hundred and twenty subjects were recruited from an plastic surgery inpatient ward in a medical center in Northern Taiwan by purposive sampling. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient of APTRS was. 89. Based on the results of factor analysis the thirteen items of APTRS were grouped into one factor and accounted for 39.8% of the total variance. The results also indicated that patient with hand injury had moderate post-traumatic responses. Female patients had higher acute posttraumatic responses than male patients. There's a positive correlation between the severity of trauma and acute post-traumatic responses. In conclusion, the APTRS is useful, valid and reliable.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)31-39
Number of pages9
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1999

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