
Translated title of the contribution: The Mid-long Term Strategic Planning of National Libraries

邱子恒, 楊美華

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The mission of the national library is to acquire, organize, and preserve
national publications for government, research and general public use. It
assists research, sponsors educational activities, promotes librarianship,
carries out international exchange activities, and strengthens cooperation
between domestic and foreign libraries. This article, by implementing
benchmarking method, introduces national libraries of the U.S.A, United Kingdom,
Canada, Singapore, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, and Australia; in term of the
history, mission, vision, objectives, goals, and mid-long term planning; to
serve as the reference for the National Central Library, and all other libraries
in Taiwan.
Translated title of the contributionThe Mid-long Term Strategic Planning of National Libraries
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)59-81
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • National libraries
  • Strategic planning
  • Mid-long term planning


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