
歐良榮, 鄭綺, 馬素華, 施淑娟, 周正亮

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The purpose of the study was to examine the effectiveness of different exercise modes in chronic obstractive pulminary disease (COPD) patients. Two kinds of exercise modes, duration-increased and intensity-increased exercise programs, were developed in this study. This study utilized a quasi-experimental design. A total of22 subjects who met the selection criteria were recruited and randomly assigned to either a duration-increased group (n=10) or an intensity-increased group (n=12). The exercise programs were carried out three times per week for 8 weeks. The outcome indicators included FEVI %pred, VO2peak maximal workload, dyspnea level, and quality of life. The lung function test, exercise test, and questionnaires were used for data collection. The results of this study revealed that the maximal workload, and dyspnea level under same exercise workload were significantly improved by means of these two kinds of exercise modes. However, a significant improvement in the scores of Baseline Dyspnea Index and the physical dimension of quality of life was observed in intensity-increased group only. The FEVl%pred and VO2peak were not increased by either kind of exercise program.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)73-86
Number of pages14
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2002

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