
蕭伃伶, 苗迺芳, 周雨樺

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Stress incontinence is the most common urinary incontinence disease. Although stress incontinence has no lethal risk, it causes not only physical discomfort but also feelings of shame, depression, body image change, and social isolation. Elderly women, because of changes aging due to have high prevalence of stress incontinence. The pelvic floor muscle exercise (Kegel’s exercise) is not only a way to prevent stress incontinence but also the most economic and non-invasive way to treat stress incontinence.
The present study focused on elderly women in Taipei. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data. The study tried to explore knowledge of stress incontinence and performance of pelvic floor muscle exercise on the elderly women. We analyzed the factors of individual perceptions, modifying factors and the likelihood of action by health belief model. We also tried to find out the factors that effected elderly women in performing pelvic floor muscle exercise. The findings of this study refer to developing an effective plan of stress incontinence prevention and health promotion for elderly women.
The major findings of this study included: The elderly women had low level knowledge of stress incontinence. 50.8% of the subjects had different degrees of stress incontinence. 48.2%of the subjects agreed that stress incontinence had influenced quality of life. 44.6%of the subjects thought someone with stress incontinence and should go to a doctor. 36.8% of the subjects agreed that it is necessary for them to perform pelvic floor muscle exercise. The health beliefs of perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits of action, and perceived barriers of action were highly explicable, with a 50% acceptable range to stress incontinence preventive behavior. In general, health belief model could be using to propagate pelvic floor muscle exercise for prevention and treatment of stress incontinence.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)37-51
Number of pages15
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2002

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