Using Dual-Energy Ct to Follow Carotid Plaque Change and Associated Carotid Stent Patency

  • Chen, Chi-Jen (PI)

Project: A - Government Institutionb - National Science and Technology Council

Project Details


Among the ten commonest death causes of R.O.C, cardiac disease and cerebral artery disease continued to be in the front line. In the situation where atherosclerosis causing carotid stenosis and stroke, carotid stenting plays an important role in treatment. The modern technology introduced computer tomography that can be used to describe human anatomy precisely; and since dual-energy CT (DECT) has come to the world, it can help us determine the component of atherosclerotic plaques. As for the post operation follow-up, DECT also possess high sensitivity in differentiating stent and calcification (better than conventional CT). The recent studies suggest that the fatty plaques prone to cause restenosis as compared with calcified plaques, and also inducing stroke more often. However, there is no current study using DECT for a more precise evaluation on atherosclerotic plaques in carotid stent patients. We plan to use DECT as follow-up for patients who have received carotid stent, and measure whether re-stenosis occurs in vessels possessing different component of fat and calcification in the plaques, and analyze whether the component affects the prognosis of stent.
Effective start/end date8/1/177/31/18


  • atherosclerosis plaque
  • carotid stent
  • dual-energy CT


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