To Study the Correlation between Serum Markers of Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (Edcs) and Their Impact on the Menstrual Cycle and Reproductive Hormone in Taiwanese Women.

  • Hsu, Ming-I (PI)

Project: A - Government Institutionb - National Science and Technology Council

Project Details


The menstrual cycle of women is controlled by ovulation per month. The regular menstrual cycle is important for keeping health and reproductive ability. It may be affected by the change of life style, for example, body weight, stress, diet, and environment. The regular menstrual cycle is established on the functional hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis to control reproductive endocrine. Many women with the abnormal of hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis cause the obstruction of ovaluation and irregular menstrual cycles. These patients also have combined other endocrine disorder. Oxidative stress, inflammation, and endocrine-disrupting chemicals ( EDCs ) were all thought as important markers that will impact on female reproductive function. However, the cause-result correlations between above parameters were still unclear. We plan to design a series study to evaluate the oxidative stress, inflammation, and endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and their impact on the menstrual cycle and reproductive hormone in Taiwanese women. Chronic low-grade inflammation is an important factor of metabolic disease and cardiovascular disease. Oxidative stress was associated with insulin resistance. Obesity is the major threat on the modern women's health. Chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, and obesity had been reported closely related. Presently, the research indicates that polycystic ovary syndrome ( PCOS ) patients have chronic low-grade inflammation and endocrine disorder which cause irregular menstrual cycles. The clinical researches pointed out that environmental hormones or endocrine-disrupting chemicals ( EDCs ) and increased oxidative stress are the factors to interfere in women’s reproductive systems. Both oxidative stress and endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) had been associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). BPA, one of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), is an environmental estrogen used in the synthesis of plastics, is a "high-volume production" chemical with widespread human exposure. BPA was been reported in several female reproductive disturbance. However, the pathological pathway of BPA impact on female reproductive system had not been well-understood. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have a role in the modulation of gamete quality and gamete interaction. Persistent and elevated generation of ROS leads to a disturbance of redox potential that in turn causes oxidative stress (OS). The first part of our study is aim to evaluate the oxidative stress impact on the biochemical parameters in women with PCOS; the secondary part of our study is to investigate the BPA on the clinical and biochemical of women with PCOS; finally, we plan to test the hypothesis that BPA might increase oxidative stress and then elevated ROS in women with menstrual disturbance, furthermore, the role of oxidative stress and BPA impact on insulin resistance and metabolic disturbance will be also investigated. Therefore, we want to discuss the relationship with reproductive endocrine, chronic low-degrade inflammation, oxidative stress and environmental hormones. We have four subjects in this study: 1. The effect of chronic low-grade inflammation on reproductive endocrine and metabolism. 2. The effect of oxidative stress on reproductive endocrine and metabolism. 3. The effect of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on reproductive endocrine and metabolism. 4. The analysis of relationship between chronic low-grade inflammation, oxidative stress and endocrine-disrupting chemicals. To investigate the effect of intervening therapy on reproductive endocrine and metabolism.
Effective start/end date8/1/147/31/15


  • Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals
  • Chronic low-grade inflammation
  • Oxidative stress
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome


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