The Risk Evaluation and Management of Herbs Contraindicated in Pregnancy

  • Chien, Shu-Chen (PI)

Project: A - Government Institutionc - Ministry of Health and Welfare

Project Details


The ancient books and literature of Chinese medicine has already listed numbers of herbs contraindicated in pregnancy, and they also indicated the impacts of those herbs to the pregnant women. However, due to the complexity of Chinese therapy, the pregnant women may have chance to take those herbs by ignorance, and the risks and damages of those errors are rarely discussed in the previous studies. The purposes of this study are 1. To conduct a risk evaluation of the relationship between the herbs contraindicated in pregnancy and the pregnant women; 2.To design the patient information leaflet of the herbs contraindicated in pregnancy by the results of risk evaluation. The objectives of this study are: 1. To evaluate the relationship between the herbs contraindicated in pregnancy and the pregnant women by analyzing 2010 claims data of beneficiaries of National Health Insurance. 2. To design the patient information leaflet of the herbs contraindicated in pregnancy for the pregnant women by applying the previous risk evaluation results and conducting expert panels, questionnaire survey.
Effective start/end date5/20/1312/15/13


  • Herbs Contraindicated in Pregnancy
  • Pregnancy related diagnoses
  • Risk Evaluation
  • Risk Management


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