The Multi-State Mixed Effect Model for the Application to Hierarchical Data on Periodonatl Disease

Project: A - Government Institutionb - National Science and Technology Council

Project Details


Community Periodontal Index (CPI) has been recommended in epidemiological studies for detecting the majority of silent periodontal disease (PD) cases. However, several thorny issues remain when this indicator is applied to a community-based epidemiological survey. One of these is pertaining to the validity and reliability of its measurement across examiners. Variations between subjects and across different regions resulting from the correlation between teeth and sites in the same individual or same district (multilevel data) and the measurement errors obtained from the calibration study further complicates the accuracy of measurement of CPI. Therefore, it is of great interest to do calibration of CPI measurement making allowance for these concerns before investigating the association between certain risk factor (such as smoking) and PD in the nationwide survey. We therefore proposed a two-year project. The objectives of this project is Year 1 (2016/8/1〜2017/7/31) (1) Construct a two-state hierarchical model for calibrating measurement error (2) Elucidating the effect of risk factors on periodontal disease after calibrating measurement error Year 2 (2017/8/1〜2018/7/31) (1) Construct a multi-state hierarchical model for calibrating measurement error (2) Elucidating the effect of risk factors on the disease progression of periodontal disease after calibrating measurement error This study is anticipated to provide the quantitative results of the disease natural history of periodontal disease, from asymptomatic to symptomatic based on the previous community survey. We hope the results of this study can provide the insight of early detection and treatment for periodontal disease, and to enhance the probability of keeping the natural teeth for better quality of life.
Effective start/end date8/1/1610/31/17


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