The Factors Affecting Attitucde and Acceptance of Personal Health Record in Hospital and Clinic Patinets

Project: A - Government Institutionb - National Science and Technology Council

Project Details


The efficacy of health information technologies in improving quality and efficiency of healthcare have been demonstrated in recent studies. Nowadays, there were 70 million people can access some forms of Personal Health Record (PHR) in US by popular using health information technologies. If health consumers can be facilitated by appropriate tools, 75% US people would like to communicate physicians with email and 60% patients would check their laboratory results and medications through PHR. Veterans Health Administration (VHA) MyHealtheVet system and Kaiser Permanent Epic system provided a PHR which focused on appointments, medication requests, protecting the identity of the users, and helping patients obtain a variety of services. UK HealthSpace system allows patients to share their health information with whomever they choose and to enter data into the application themselves by summary care record (SCR). Early in 2004, Strategic Review Board (SRB) of Executive Yuan has already concluded to build PHR network on Taiwan. Also, the e-based community health museum which is developed by KeeLung city has provided some functions of PHR. Due to the continuous development of international and domestic medical informatics, patients will own their PHR in the near future. Therefore, the factors associated with acceptance of PHR for patients have become an essential issue and importance references for government to build and develop national health information systems. We will take Delphi technique to get experts’ opinions after developing structured questionnaires and test the validity and reliability of our study tools. This study will be implemented by self-response in hospital and clinic patients respectively within two years. Patients or accompany families will get a pretest to understand theirs’ perception, attitude and acceptance of PHR first, and they will watch a film which is an introduction of PHR later. Finally, the post-test will be given to test patients’ health literacy, computer competency, security, privacy and technology acceptance of PHR. The results will be analyzed by SPSS software and the study goals as follows: 1.To understand patients and accompany families’ attitude and willingness of acceptance of PHR. 2.To explore the factors affecting patients and accompany families in acceptance of PHR. 3.To compare and analyze the significant factors of PHR acceptance between different clinical section visits.
Effective start/end date8/1/107/31/11


  • Personal Health Record(PHR)
  • Technology Acceptance Model(TAM)
  • Health Literacy
  • Digital Divide
  • Structural Equation Modeling(SEM)
  • Multi-Group Analysis


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