The Effects of Music Therapy on Psychological Distress and Functional Recovery in Patients with Stroke

  • Chang, Hsiu-Ju (PI)

Project: A - Government Institutionb - National Science and Technology Council

Project Details


The purposes of the three-year study are: (1) to describe the multidimensional and the trajectory of psychological distress among stroke survivors, and to explore the relationship between the trajectory of psychological distress and functional recovery during one year after stroke, as well as (2) exploring the effectiveness of music therapy on psychological distress and functional recovery among patients with high-risk of emotional and social dysfunction. Methods:The first year study will adopt longitudinal research design to explore the trajectory of psychological distress and functional recovery in two week, one month, three months, six months, nine months, and one year after stroke. The sample size will be 140. Research instruments include the NIHSS (for measuring disease severity), social support questionnaire, Functional Independent Measure (FIM), and Emotional and Social Dysfunction Questionnaire (ESDQ). The second and third year study will use randomized controlled trial to explore the effectiveness of music therapy on psychological distress and functional recovery. The subjects with high risk of emotional and social dysfunction measured by ESDQ or mild, moderate and severe depression subjects measured by Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II) will be recruited in this study. A total of 189 eligible subjects will be assigned to neurological music therapy group, relaxation music therapy group and waiting list control group by using block permuted randomization. The sample size will be 63 in each group. Research instruments include the ESDQ, EEG, FIM, and the participation of rehabilitation. Conclusions: Results from this proposed study will have benefits in assessing emotional and social dysfunctional dysfunction more accurately and understanding change patterns of psychological distress and functional status among patients with stroke. Also, the effect of different types of music therapy on psychological distress and functional status will be better understood.
Effective start/end date8/1/1410/31/15


  • Stroke
  • psychological distress
  • functional recovery
  • music therapy
  • Emotional and Social Dysfunction Questionnaire (ESDQ)


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