The Application of Hdac Inhibitors in Keloid Treatment

Project: A - Government Institutionb - National Science and Technology Council

Project Details


Within the available treatment options for keloid, local steroid injection and cryotherapy are the current treatment of choice. Responses can be seen during the initial phase of treatment, but the procedures are likely to cause pain and discomfort, discouraging the patients to seek for medical assistance. Additionally, steroid injection and cryotherapy is not effective in preventing the recurrence of keloid, thus modification of current treatment in keloid are required. Due to the above stated reasons, developing a more effective, convenient and low recurrence rate treatment is necessary. Researchers have shown significant difference in DNA methylation and histone acetylation of keloid from that of normal epithelial tissues. Additionally, multiple gene expression anomalies in keloid suggest that other than the characteristic of fibroproliferative diseases, keloid also own the characteristic of epigenetic diseases. Current researches have shown that HDAC inhibitors (a clinical drug used for epigenetic regulation) are capable of alternating cell properties, therefore other than playing a role in cancer therapy; it also shows potential in treating fibrotic diseases (e.g. renal, pulmonary and cardiac fibrosis), however its role in treating keloid is yet unknown. From our preliminary data, we have filtered several HDAC inhibitors that can inhibit the expression of fibrotic protein in keloid tissue, as well as reduce the cell migration rate. As a result, we hypothesize that HDAC inhibitors can regulate the epigenetic expression of keloid and owns the potential to develop into a better therapy for keloid treatment. The aim of the study is to investigate the role of HDAC inhibitors in deteriorating keloid disease and application of HDAC inhibitors as the treatment of keloid in clinical trials, improving the recurrence rate. The objective of the three-year research project as follows: Year-1, assessment of the abnormality expression in keloid tissue as well as different catorgories of HDAC inhibitors in relation with the severity of the disease ;Year-2, the evaluation of drug efficacy and its mechanism; Year-3, animal studies and pre-clinical study evaluation.
Effective start/end date8/1/167/31/17


  • Keloid
  • Histone deacetylase inhibitor
  • fibrosis
  • epigenetic regulation


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