The academic communications of cross Straits for establish the quality rules of single herb products(2-2)

Project: A - Government Institutionc - Ministry of Health and Welfare

Project Details


The major difference between concentrated granules of Taiwan and recipe granules of Mainland China is that we have variety traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) prescriptions and single herbal concentrated products. In Taiwan, TCM practitioners can accord patient’s syndromes to select the appropriate prescription or mixed with other single herbs for patient treatment. While the mainland China is use single recipe granules to replace herbal medicines for prescription and decoction. In this cross-strait exchanges and cooperation plan, we will focus on the similar and frequence-used single herbal concentrate granules and recipe granules to communicate from marker substances selection of herbal medicines and TCM prescriptions to quality control regulation of TCM preparations. We expected to collect the quality control regulation of prescription in Taiwan and mainland China. The marker sunbstance migration ratio from herbal medicine to standard prescription decoction, the suitability of marker substance for TCM prescription, and the clinical used dosage variation of TCM will also be discussed. By the above results, the cross-strait communication activities, and industry, government experts meeting, we will establish "The reasonable formulate method for marker substances content in Herbal medicine and TCM prescriptions of Taiwan" and the two sides reached consensus.
Effective start/end date1/1/1612/15/16


  • Chinese medicine prescriptions
  • marker substance migration ratio
  • marker substance criteria


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